ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
A friend of mine has a Begram 1700 that i starting to act a little weird.
Sometimes it will not start when the 33 button is pressed, but then it helps to push pause first and then 33.
Another thing is that it tends so spin to fast on 33. This can often be solved by pressing 45 and then back to 33.
I found these two threads that could indicate that the latter one is a belt issue, but in one of the threads it sound like it didn't solve it.
I just want to hear if there is any good advise before opening it up?
Also if it is the belt how much do you need two remove to change it? Can you just remove the platter? I can't quite figure it out from the exploded view in the service manual.
Thanks in advance
Just lift off the platter.It lifts straight off.
Thanks for the answer. Where do I get a belt if he want's to try to change it? I am located in Denmark.
I can supply a correct belt.PM / email me.
We now have changed the belt, but the Beogram will still not start when the 33 button is pressed. Any ideas to if there is a fix for that?