ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi All
I'm seeking some advice with a problem that has suddenly occurred with my Linkplayer V1 installation. I have been running Linplayer v1 under OSX10.6 (and earlier versions) on an iMac for a long time. Currently I am on iTunes 11.0.5. The configuration is stable and there have been no problems. I use LinkRadio as the N.Radio source and LinkMusic as the N.Music source. Today I encountered a problem whereby while scrolling through my albums in LinkMusic, the application stopped responding. After a while without a response I quit and restarted LinkPlayer. However, now when I select N.Music, there is no response - the status remains 'Standby' and the application become unresponsive.
I have tested the following:
- Rebooting the whole B&O system, the Beoport and the Mac
- Restoring iTunes, my iTunes databases and LinkPlayer back to a date at which all were working (under v11.0.4 of iTunes)
- Deactivating and reactivating Linkplayer
None of these procedures has resolved the problem. The issue arises only when using LinkMusic as the source for Music. All other sources (N.Radio/Linkradio, CD, Radio etc) are working correctly. Choosing any other source for N.Music, such as iTunes, Plex or FrontRow, also works correctly.
I am at a loss. It is as if the internal file that LinkPlayer builds as its LinkMusic source when it starts up has been corrupted, or as if the process that builds it from (I guess) the iTunes database or XML file is hanging. But I don't know how this process really works, or whether it is possible to get at this file or process. At first I wondered whether there is a corruption in the iTunes files which is in turn upsetting LinkPlayer - hence attempting a restore.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem? Or have any advice on what sort of rebuild to try? The only remaining options I can think of are to rebuild my iTunes databases from the source audio files and / or to completely de-install and re-install LinkPlayer. These seem very drastic. And I am unsure how to do the LinkPlayer bit. I have been a customer since Day1 and I don't know how I would get a fresh version if I deleted what I have.
I am sorry this is long-winded. LinkPlayer v1 has been so stable for so long that I never thought I'd encounter any issues with it and I don't know what else to try.
Thanks for any advice
Have you done any changes to you iTunes library recently?
Beoworld app with direct photo upload and emoticons.
Hi Phil
Thanks for taking an interest in this. Yes, I have done some changes in my library - loading new tracks from CD, some purchases and also some track format conversions so that tunes not picked up by LinkMusic can be accessed. I also have been experimenting with sharing the iTunes library across multiple machines in my home using home sharing.
My working hunch at the moment is that I have a corrupted track file - either the track or the metadata or both - caused by one of the above actions - perhaps most likely the track conversions or home sharing. This might be causing LinkMusic's 'startup metadata build' to hang or crash. So, I've made a shortlist of tracks in iTunes to check. This is a bit time consuming, I have over 10,000 tracks in the library and about 500 candidates, so I'm coming back and at regular intervals and doing a few to see if I can track it down.
This is all a bit speculative I admit, but something makes me feel that the problem is in iTunes not LinkPlayer. As I said, the LinkPlayer setup is totally stable and has not been changed for a long time.
Again, I really appreciate your interest and any ideas you may have as I guess you would know the LinkMusic 'build' process intimately.
Best regards
Send me the iTunes Music Library.xml file. You can get my email in the Help menu of LinkPlayer.
BeoNut since '75
Thanks for the offer to send the file. It's very generous of you to offer to look at it. However, I'm happy to say that I have just resolved the issue. The cause does seem to have been a corrupted track in iTunes, one which I had purchased in the iTunes store and downloaded. It was one that I had sought to convert to MP3 format and maybe that (aborted) process corrupted it. I detected it because iTunes could not play it. Having deleted the track, re-downloaded it and then converted it by creating an audio CD and then ripping it in MP3 format I have resolved the issue and LinkMusic is working again and able to access that track.
I don't know whether the XML file reflected the corruption in the track. I'm happy to send on the file as requested with information about the problem track if you'd like to take a look, but I'm reluctant to waste your time now that I have a solution.
It was, as I guessed, not a LinkPlayer I'm very sorry to have wasted yours and forum time on it.
That said, it is good to be in touch with you again. Without a doubt LinkPlayer1 is the single most valuable piece of software I've ever acquired for my Mac and it's great to have it working again. Many thanks for all your work on it.