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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beoworld - is this the quietest hifi forum in the world?

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seethroughyou Posted: Thu, May 12 2016 9:58 PM

I know im far form the most active member here and with such limited knowledge except for the handful B&O gear I've owned i struggle to post more. Is this one of the more quiet and least populated hifi forums around... Seems such a shame. Where has everyone gone and why so few memebers now. Going back 10 years it seemed so active and with so many heavy posting members. Why have we been desserted? It' s like last few in the village after an outbreak of bubonic plague.

Should we do what B&O have done and merge with a big player. Perhaps we should merge with the Naim forum or Hifiwigwam but our ethos is so different...




Present: BL90, Core, BL6000, CD7000, Beogram 7000, Essence Remote.

Past: BL1, BL2, BL8000, BS9000, BL5, BC2, BS5, BV5, BV4-50, Beosystem 3, BL3, DVD1, Beoremote 4, Moment.


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Duels replied on Thu, May 12 2016 10:02 PM

Should we do what B&O have done and merge with a big player. Perhaps we should merge with the Naim forum or Hifiwigwam but our ethos is so different...

When did B&O merge with a big player?
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With future TVs and with the LG g5. Perhaps collaboration is a better word pending a merger or buyout. I know B&O are looking for a buyer.




Present: BL90, Core, BL6000, CD7000, Beogram 7000, Essence Remote.

Past: BL1, BL2, BL8000, BS9000, BL5, BC2, BS5, BV5, BV4-50, Beosystem 3, BL3, DVD1, Beoremote 4, Moment.


Paul W
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Paul W replied on Thu, May 12 2016 10:20 PM

Hi Seethroughyou,

Well the A1 thread really brought the forum back to life AND guess what? It is the cheapest of the range but my, it's so full of character with a truly superb design and decent build.

It was lovely to see such a good vibe created by the A1's arrival! 

Maybe quiet elsewhere as the Moment is pretty bad and it's very quiet on the TV front at present as the new models are a few weeks away.


Top 50 Contributor
Helsinki, Finland
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Well, a lot of questions are answered by searching the forums..

But it is a bit boring here sometimes Stick out tongue

"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Thu, May 12 2016 10:39 PM

Always exciting though Leo when there is speculation about something cool I guess :) Personally, I think that the A1 has been the best thing to ever happen to B&O PLAY. Let's hope it's a sign for the way forward for PLAY and that the new TV will follow in its success. I hope so...

Chris Hassell
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This place doesn't seem too bad to me? If it was too busy I don't think I'd get any work done Stick out tongue isn't it just because we're focused on one brand that it's more quiet than other generic forums?

I reckon there will be a burst as has been mentioned when new products come out.

BeoVision Eclipse 55”, Beolab 18s, Beolab 19s, Beosound 1, Beoplay P2, H3, BeoRemote One IR, BeoRemote One BT, Beoplay S8, Beosound Essence MkII, BeoTime

Top 25 Contributor
Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger replied on Thu, May 12 2016 11:06 PM

I just tried replying and got a time-out with a page of code.

I haven't got the time to retype a long reply, bu I suspect it's about the changing nature of the products and a lot of the old frequent posters now using the likes of facebook.

 Apart from the speakers, maybe there are fewer reasons for buyers to go for B&O systems these days, and therefore dwindling posters here.


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Michael replied on Fri, May 13 2016 8:33 AM
I also like chatting here, more or less people here all the time. I also wanted to start a slack-channel for some real time chatting (which I think is great fun and social). Let me know if anyone wants to try it out. The channel is already open Smile

Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, 
BeoSound Core, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound Century, 
BeoLit 15, BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay P2, BeoPlay H9 3rd Gen, BeoPlay H6, EarSet 3i, 
BeoVision Eclipse Gen 2 55", BeoPlay V1-40, 
BeoCom 6000 and so much else :)  

Peter the Biker
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One answer may be: Many members are very busy playing a game called REAL LIFE. They are so immersed that they join this forum only for problems in that game or are curious about new B&O stuff or ask for and give some advice ...

Back to real life ...


Peter the biker

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Mark replied on Fri, May 13 2016 9:40 AM

sorry am I on the wrong forum or live in a parallel universe ......

I like it here, its chilled, relaxed with great and informative posts, I post on a few automotive forums and there is so much bitching and hate its rather unpleasant. 

we tend to forget there is more to design than designing.

Top 25 Contributor
Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger replied on Fri, May 13 2016 9:43 AM

To add to my post above, sometimes posting to this forum can be a problem (see above) and the lesson that I always forget is to copy the whole post before hitting the 'Post' button because there is often a risk that there will be some sort of time-out and the reply will not appear. So unless you have a copy you have to type the whole thing again.

The Wednesday forum was the nearest thing to live chatting and at its peak it produced some terrific humour and repartee. Unfortunately the posters dwindled and the forum more or less died of its own accord. A few former posters seem to have transferred their lives to Facebook, and must spend 50% of their time posting about the other 50% when they are not online. (From the Wedthred you will see that Puncher and I were avowed non-subscribers to Facebook!)

It would be interesting to analyse how the types of poster have varied over the years: people with vintage equipment, those seeking technical advice, those apparently with few or no products but wishing to throw a spanner into the works as often as they can, those who caused so much disruption so they were banned, those who just want to show off that they can buy every product that comes out, and those former knowledgeable regular posters who just gave up because they couldn't stand some of the disruptive antics of others!

The products are changing. Older products fail mechanically and need vintage support. Latest products seem to have endless software related problems. Mention a TV and someone will tell you not to buy because some new super-duper 16K format with backlighting/sidelighting/endlighting is coming out next year.

Too little real material to discuss and therefore the forum becomes limited and monotonous??????

The other problem is that unless you set up your forum homepage to read all the forum posts, and make the mistake, for example, of only reading the General Forum, you will find that you miss many interesting discussions that have been posted in, or transferred to, the Lifestyle forum or the like.


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hadr replied on Fri, May 13 2016 9:58 AM

sorry am I on the wrong forum or live in a parallel universe ......

I like it here, its chilled, relaxed with great and informative posts, I post on a few automotive forums and there is so much bitching and hate its rather unpleasant.

we tend to forget there is more to design than designing.

Agreed, I quite enjoy being part of Beoworld and I find it to be a great place to socialise, exchange opinions, stay informed about what is up and coming, and get valuable input from the most knowledgable members here (I'm certainly not one of them).

I also quite like that it's not super busy with many similar and/or "irrelevant" posts and thus I am able to read almost every thread that seems interesting (to me).

All in all I'm quite please from what we've built here Big Smile
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Flensborg, Denmark
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To add to my post above, sometimes posting to this forum can be a problem (see above) and the lesson that I always forget is to copy the whole post before hiiting the 'Post' button because there is often a risk that there will be some sort of time-out and the reply will not appear. So unless you have a copy you have to type the whole thing again.

That is a lesson, that I have learned too - allthough, I once in a while forget to do it ;-(

Apart from that, I love the forum (yes, is set up to read all posts - you can always skip, what don't interests you. And you get a sense for what people are interested in at the moment).

There are ups and downs - of course. And surely - as has B&O and the products - things have changed over the years.

In the 'earlier' years I did not have much time to write or to read for that matter.

For some people it might be like that right now.


I would really miss the forum if it wasn't there!

I am not into the facebook thingy - it would be a catatrophe to 'hide' all the good answers/questions and comments deep down in a closed group.

How should newcomers search for answers and inspiration then!

One of the - to me at least - important things with the forum (talking of a social aspect) is, that you learn different approaches to having B&O products, to living with B&O.

Sitting in Denmark/Germany I find it rather interesting, inspiring to read the posts of Beoworlders living in Australia, the US.... - well, in the UK too ;-)

Yes, Michael - chatting is important. I am with you on that :-)

I think the forum is rather pleasant. The admins are doing an excellent job to keep it in good shape - and most posters have a relaxed way of discussing even controversial themes here.

And we should not forget, that there often are very profund comments, answers from the 'dealer members' or even from B&O employees - thanks for that!


I guess we will a see a big boost, when the new products/tv's come out. That may even leed to some 'heavy' discussions........

Last but not least - the forum is what we make of it!



There is a tv - and there is a BV

Top 50 Contributor
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Duels replied on Fri, May 13 2016 10:31 AM
Chris Hassell:

This place doesn't seem too bad to me? If it was too busy I don't think I'd get any work done

Top 50 Contributor
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Duels replied on Fri, May 13 2016 10:35 AM

sorry am I on the wrong forum or live in a parallel universe ......

I like it here, its chilled, relaxed with great and informative posts, I post on a few automotive forums and there is so much bitching and hate its rather unpleasant.

we tend to forget there is more to design than designing.

Totally agree.
Chris Hassell
Top 200 Contributor
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I also like chatting here, more or less people here all the time. I also wanted to start a slack-channel for some real time chatting (which I think is great fun and social). Let me know if anyone wants to try it out. The channel is already open

Oh man, I have 4 Slack teams already for work (including Slack themselves as they're a client - talking to Slack, about Slack, using Slack - it's like a crap version of Inception)! I'm tempted to say I want to join but then B&O is really going to take over my life. Oh sod it - go on then, what's the team!?

BeoVision Eclipse 55”, Beolab 18s, Beolab 19s, Beosound 1, Beoplay P2, H3, BeoRemote One IR, BeoRemote One BT, Beoplay S8, Beosound Essence MkII, BeoTime

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Helsinki, Finland
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I would like to try it :)

"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"

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I agree despite it being not as busy as 10 years ago there is a very convivial atmosphere and this something to be proud of and probably reflects something about the average B&O fan. I visit a couple of other forums and it can get positively aggressive and ganglandish. The depth of knowledge is rather impressive and most of the times an explanation or solution can crystallise.




Present: BL90, Core, BL6000, CD7000, Beogram 7000, Essence Remote.

Past: BL1, BL2, BL8000, BS9000, BL5, BC2, BS5, BV5, BV4-50, Beosystem 3, BL3, DVD1, Beoremote 4, Moment.


Top 10 Contributor
Eastbourne, UK
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9 LEE replied on Fri, May 13 2016 6:19 PM

Any Forum which relates solely to one brand will naturally follow the ups and downs of the company. Here in the UK, when the country had around 140 stores, a LOT of people saw the brand, wanted to know about the brand, bought equipment, needed advice and so on.

Now, with less than half that number, people are having less exposure 'in person' with the main range products (not Play) so less people are flexing their fingers and typing a question, or voicing an opinion.

That said, traffic to BeoWorld increases every single year - without fail. It has peaks and troughs (summer being the quieter time) but the number of visitors has gone up every single year since we started.  Maybe people don't feel confident enough to post, maybe people just prefer to read what we say and learn quietly in the background... We're all different.

The one thing I'm proud of is the ethos we have always had, has remained.  We respect each other, we have a shared interest, and we have balanced discussions. Everyone has the right to an opinion, wether it be right or wrong. If it's right, great. If it's wrong - let's discuss!  

We do our best, on a limited budget, but I think we're doing fine. This forum is a nice place to be..


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Ben_S replied on Fri, May 13 2016 6:23 PM

9 LEE:

Any Forum which relates solely to one brand will naturally follow the ups and downs of the company. Here in the UK, when the country had around 140 stores, a LOT of people saw the brand, wanted to know about the brand, bought equipment, needed advice and so on.

Now, with less than half that number, people are having less exposure 'in person' with the main range products (not Play) so less people are flexing their fingers and typing a question, or voicing an opinion.

That said, traffic to BeoWorld increases every single year - without fail. It has peaks and troughs (summer being the quieter time) but the number of visitors has gone up every single year since we started.  Maybe people don't feel confident enough to post, maybe people just prefer to read what we say and learn quietly in the background... We're all different.

The one thing I'm proud of is the ethos we have always had, has remained.  We respect each other, we have a shared interest, and we have balanced discussions. Everyone has the right to an opinion, wether it be right or wrong. If it's right, great. If it's wrong - let's discuss!  

We do our best, on a limited budget, but I think we're doing fine. This forum is a nice place to be..


Completely agree with this.  I personally am far more interested in the vintage B&O posts but I do think overall it is a diverse and varied forum with something for everyone if they have an interest in B&O.


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Chris replied on Sat, May 14 2016 6:57 AM

9 LEE:

Maybe people don't feel confident enough to post, maybe people just prefer to read what we say and learn quietly in the background... We're all different.

So true, its sometime astonishing to see how many guest(s) there are online, comparing to members.

9 LEE:

The one thing I'm proud of is the ethos we have always had, has remained.  We respect each other, we have a shared interest, and we have balanced discussions.

There are indeed not many forums where there is a honest, constructive and respectful debate. There seems to be such polarity these days that it is impossible to find forums where the norm is for an honest attempt to respectfully exchange ideas to try to get to constructive answers.

"Believe nothing you read and only half of what you see, let your ears tell you the truth."

Top 50 Contributor
Helsinki, Finland
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I used beoworld for 3 years before becoming a member.

Maybe the error page that often shows should be changed with a welcoming page telling about benefits of making an account?

"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"

Keith Saunders
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Hampshire, United Kingdom
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To build on points made by Lee and others, we know that a large number of members have joined, but have never posted.

We also know that a very large number of non-members visit the forum and web site and just recently I noted that more than 600 non-members were browsing the forum at the same time, so clearly there is still strong interest in B&O.

Below are two graphs for the web site and forum which shows number of clicks

Regards Keith....

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elephant replied on Sun, May 15 2016 1:54 AM
Keith Saunders:

recently I noted that more than 600 non-members were browsing the forum at the same time, so clearly there is still strong interest in B&O.

Below are two graphs for the web site and forum which shows number of clicks

Very interesting Keith

How does usage of the BeoWorld App manifest itself in the stats ?

BeoNut since '75

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Peter replied on Sun, May 15 2016 7:40 AM

I think Beoworld is quieter though is still used as a technical resource. I no longer have any new equipment as nothing really appeals or if it does, I usually have something else that I would rather spend my money on. I still have my favourite vintage equipment and will post on the vintage area. None the less, this is still THE B&O site with the best advice in the world!


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Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger replied on Sun, May 15 2016 8:18 AM


I think Beoworld is quieter though is still used as a technical resource. I no longer have any new equipment as nothing really appeals or if it does, I usually have something else that I would rather spend my money on. I still have my favourite vintage equipment and will post on the vintage area. None the less, this is still THE B&O site with the best advice in the world!

Peter, it sounds as if you have finally shaken off the virus or you are in remission!


Professor David A Flynn JP
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Belfast, Northern Ireland
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Correct, I heard that from Copenhagen that B & O are looking a buyer, pity as many buy-outs after a while prove that the quality of the goods are never the same, look at Cadbury's for instance, once they had been bought over the quality of their products hit rock bottom



Professor David A Flynn JP LM

Big Smile

Professor David A Flynn JP
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Peter totally agree with you, all my vintage equipment is working well and I don't require any information at the minute.  However, the site is most beneficial to anyone with a problem.  

Professor David A Flynn JP LM

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Professor David A Flynn JP
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Lee and Ben, I am in complete agreement with you, I would look up the product information on the site regularly as I own quite a few pieces of B & O equipment.  I may not be on as regularly as I was when I was purchasing older equipment and required some help, but in saying that after buying Beosound 1 and  Century it was important to me to download the booklets.  I would read the forums and posts monthly at least.  Nothing wrong with a site that is quiet for a while.

Professor David A Flynn JP LM

Big Smile

Keith Saunders
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Hampshire, United Kingdom
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How does usage of the BeoWorld App manifest itself in the stats ?

The graphs below compare desktop against either mobile or tablet for the Beoworld WEB Site and the totals are over the least 28 days

Regards Keith....

Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

How does usage of the BeoWorld App manifest itself in the stats ?

The graphs below compare desktop against either mobile or tablet for the Beoworld FORUM and the totals are over the least 28 days

Regards Keith....

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Posts 11,991
Peter replied on Sun, May 15 2016 5:41 PM



I think Beoworld is quieter though is still used as a technical resource. I no longer have any new equipment as nothing really appeals or if it does, I usually have something else that I would rather spend my money on. I still have my favourite vintage equipment and will post on the vintage area. None the less, this is still THE B&O site with the best advice in the world!

Peter, it sounds as if you have finally shaken off the virus or you are in remission!


To be honest, I just don't get time to watch TV much or listen to music - and my eyes are pretty poor - I have a stupid condition called epithelial basement membrane corneal dystrophy - and my ears are not what they used to be - another condition called getting older!

I have a BV3 and BV5 I bought from Lee which are great and an old Avant DVD with a non working DVD player! (I have a BC2 as well so not a problem!) GP land is increasingly busy - I now work 5 full days in practice and a share of Saturdays though no longer work nights - stopped last year.

Best B&O items are my Beolab 5000 system and Beomaster 4401 supplied or given by Frede! I would get some new kit but there is very little that catches my fancy and B&O has always been an impulse purchase!


Top 10 Contributor
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elephant replied on Mon, May 16 2016 9:07 AM
Keith Saunders:

The graphs below compare desktop against either mobile or tablet for the Beoworld FORUM and the totals are over the least 28 days

Regards Keith....

That's interesting - shows clicks against the three classes. Without knowing how Philippe (phillondon) wrote his forum interrogating code I guess we don't know for sure which categories this post for example gets recorded against.

No need to take this query further.

BeoNut since '75

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Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger replied on Wed, May 25 2016 9:44 AM

In the past a lot of posts I enjoyed reading were not too serious......... sometimes posted by members with a slightly warped sense of humour. Many have left or now post very infrequently.

Also, some of the moderation is far too serious.... but it does not compare with the perverse auto moderation where breasts (plural)  can be mentioned but one *** (singular) will be asterisked. 

There is probably less to discuss these days, reflecting the range and type of B&O products available.


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Jeff replied on Wed, May 25 2016 2:13 PM

Well, once you remove new product announcements, and constant arguing over listening tests, wires, interconnects, vinyl vs. digital, etc. that the people in audiophile forums are constantly rehashing over and over and over, there's not as much left to argue/talk about!Stick out tongue


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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