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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Essence to Moment

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Top 500 Contributor
Maryland, USA
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Mark-N Posted: Tue, May 24 2016 10:45 PM

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I was wondering if B&O wanted to do this, how close could they make the Essence like the Moment with a new app for your own tablet?  I know there are some features that wouldn't be there, but I was wondering about the mood wheel and pattern play features.  I know if they could do this it will probably severely cannibalize the sales of the Moment, but it would make the Essence one great product!

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jk1002 replied on Wed, May 25 2016 5:14 AM

Obviously tht is a tablet thats running in the moment and usually apps cn be proted from one operatiing system to another.

does thia mke sense though? Its limited to deezer, ideally those guy buy the algorithm and just integrate that into their app which by the way we here,in the US can not easily subscribe too.

I'd rather keep using my music service and have b&o stay out of the software and just do things like manage multiroom


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Sal replied on Wed, May 25 2016 3:09 PM

I'd rather keep using my music service and have b&o stay out of the software and just do things like manage multiroom

Agreed. Hopefully B&O are listening and are developing an anachronistic new BeoSound for old-fashioned folks like me. Stick out tongue

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Maryland, USA
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Mark-N replied on Wed, May 25 2016 9:07 PM


I'd rather keep using my music service and have b&o stay out of the software and just do things like manage multiroom

Agreed. Hopefully B&O are listening and are developing an anachronistic new BeoSound for old-fashioned folks like me. Stick out tongue

Is this because B&O hasn't done such a good job on their software so far?

I have a large song collection and I would love it if the Essence could do a random access to the songs when I press the play button on the remote. Pattern play would be even better if it knows the style I like to listen to at a given time.  At best now it will play the current/next song in the playlist I am on when I press play.  It would be nice for additional variance. That was one of the selling points with the Essence, playing music is as easy as turning on the light switch.  While it can, I would like to have a little more control on what it plays.  If B&O would decide to expand on the capabilities and offer another software solution, I can be paitient until they get it right.  It's not like a 3rd party is going to come in and offer a solution like this.

Tunein has lost it's desirability for now at least, since all the radio stations I liked are involved with the Sony lawsuit and are inactive.


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Sal replied on Wed, May 25 2016 9:46 PM

Is this because B&O hasn't done such a good job on their software so far?

The more I use the Essence MkII the more I feel a bit tied to the order of the alphabet and tied to what Twonky serves up in the way of music organization. I wish there was a search function based on character input for DLNA source(s). I think for me, that would solve my issues with usability. I don't much care about pattern play or MOTS. Just give me quick access to get to a piece of music I know I want to listen to. 

Right now it often involves multiple taps and a lot of scrolling. I'd love a dedicated system whose sole function is quick access to music, period. The music that the user wants without a lot of fuss and wait. 

The best the Essence does is provide Twonky's Artist Index. That doesn't get me even half as far with my large music collection. Going to artists in "ABC" I still have to scroll through hundreds and hundreds of items in the list to get to the bottom of "C". Why can't we have a text search for DLNA?

If the only solution is a local index, then make it. LOL B&O release a dedicated DLNA server for music tightly integrated with a dedicated tablet, or user interface. -- the anachronistic Beosound I spoke of above. Do one thing, and do it well. A unitasker for music.

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Mark-N replied on Thu, May 26 2016 10:04 PM


Is this because B&O hasn't done such a good job on their software so far?

The more I use the Essence MkII the more I feel a bit tied to the order of the alphabet and tied to what Twonky serves up in the way of music organization. I wish there was a search function based on character input for DLNA source(s). I think for me, that would solve my issues with usability. I don't much care about pattern play or MOTS. Just give me quick access to get to a piece of music I know I want to listen to. 

This is a problem because B&O is depending on a 3rd party to provide some core functionality for the Essence, A6, etc.  There are more DLNA server software that may provide better search capabilities but it would be a quest to find it if it exists.

I don't think there is a one-size-fits-all solution for the Essence, and I hope that B&O does not take this approach. Some just want to quickly pick out a song/album/playlist and is fine with only that.  Others would love the ability to have pattern play, MOTS, Mood wheel just for the option of hearing something in their library that they might have forgotten about, or just to shake things up a bit for them!  I am of the opinion is more options is never a bad thing.

I personally like Apple's Remote App for playing music via AirPlay.  I can find what I am looking for very quickly and I love the visual aspect of it, and of course on-the-fly playlists!  But sometimes I would just like to rediscover something from my library at random with just a press of a button.


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Sal replied on Thu, May 26 2016 11:45 PM

I don't think there is a one-size-fits-all solution for the Essence, and I hope that B&O does not take this approach.

I hear what you're saying. 

With the way music is being downloaded, collected, heard, I think a robust search is a core feature for any device which seeks to serve up media of any kind to the user. Whether B&O build it themselves, or find a 3rd party that offers it. A half-assed search like a group-letter index is better than nothing -- B&O isn't supposed to be a company that settles for "better than nothing."

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Mark-N replied on Fri, May 27 2016 2:33 AM

I don't like the Twonky "search" feature very much. I only use Twonky to have a fairly large playlist in the queue to have something to play when I turn on the Essence.  If I want to play something in particular it's much easier to use the Remote App.  I see Twonky has a forum and a feature request section, but the posts I read where not related to the search features... 

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Maryland, USA
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Mark-N replied on Fri, May 27 2016 2:34 AM

duplicate post.

Top 75 Contributor
California, USA
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Sal replied on Fri, May 27 2016 7:07 PM

Mark here's a question for you, you mentioned that you use Twonky for a playlist, that's a static playlist right? (That is, if you're using iTunes, are you just creating a manual playlist?)

Another feature I'd like is for Twonky to recognize and serve up Smart Playlists too.

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