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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


[WANTED] Old Lintronic TT-238 boxes

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This post has 2 Replies | 0 Followers

Top 150 Contributor
Recklinghausen, Germany
Posts 751
Bronze Member
BeoIce Posted: Wed, Aug 24 2016 10:58 AM

Hello all,

I'm looking for lintronic TT-238 boxes rev. 5.x or lower.

Please offer everything you want to sell.




BeoSound 9000 MK3, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 6000, BeoLab 3500, LCS9000, BeoLab 11, BeoLab 7.2, BeoLab 7.1, Beolab 4 PC, BeoCenter 2300, BeoSound Century, BeoSound 8, Beosound 2, BeoVision 7-40 MK2 , BeoVision 7-32 MK3, BeoVision 6-22, BeoVision 4-42, BeoMedia 1, BeoCom 4, BeoLink 1000, BeoLink 5, BeoLink 4 & BeoTime

Top 50 Contributor
200 miles from Struer
Posts 2,920
Bronze Member
stefan replied on Thu, Aug 25 2016 3:45 PM

I have 3 Lintronic -238 boxes with buit in ir receivers - I think, they are all 5.1...(?)

I actually need only two of them, so I could sell you one.

There is also a Lintronic relay board 108 for sale.


Top 150 Contributor
Recklinghausen, Germany
Posts 751
Bronze Member
BeoIce replied on Sun, Aug 28 2016 5:41 PM

Hello Stefan,

I didn't get any reply from the forum software that you've answered to my search, so sorry for not answering your post in time.

As I didn't notice your post another member sold me his tt-238 5.1.



BeoSound 9000 MK3, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 6000, BeoLab 3500, LCS9000, BeoLab 11, BeoLab 7.2, BeoLab 7.1, Beolab 4 PC, BeoCenter 2300, BeoSound Century, BeoSound 8, Beosound 2, BeoVision 7-40 MK2 , BeoVision 7-32 MK3, BeoVision 6-22, BeoVision 4-42, BeoMedia 1, BeoCom 4, BeoLink 1000, BeoLink 5, BeoLink 4 & BeoTime

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