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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Sound Delay with WISA

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This post has 3 Replies | 2 Followers

Top 500 Contributor
United States
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Austin Posted: Fri, Oct 7 2016 5:02 PM

I'm using a Playmaker with a BeoLab Transmitter 1 with my 17s. When I stream AirPlay from my iPhone, there's about a 10 second delay before the 17s turn on and play. I have other playmakers and an A9 and none of them have delay.

Any ideas how to remedy this?

Top 50 Contributor
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Duels replied on Fri, Oct 7 2016 5:07 PM

I'm using a Playmaker with a BeoLab Transmitter 1 with my 17s. When I stream AirPlay from my iPhone, there's about a 10 second delay before the 17s turn on and play. I have other playmakers and an A9 and none of them have delay.

Any ideas how to remedy this?

I get a similar delay between the transmitter 1 and my BL18s. I believe it takes some seconds to establish a connection.
Top 500 Contributor
United States
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Austin replied on Fri, Oct 7 2016 5:19 PM

Have you ever tried updating the software of the transmitter/18s with a usb stick? I tried doing that, but not sure if it worked. Mine are really close so it can't be distance related.

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How to set BeoLab Transmitter 1 to "Always on"

When a speaker connected to a source via Wireless Power Link, there is delay before the speaker is powered on and sound is coming out of the speaker.
With software 1.1 it is possible to set the BeoLab Transmitter 1 to Always on. This will decrease thedelay to only about 2 seconds.
The change can be done via Bang & Olufsen ServiceTool or a USB memory stick.
Procedure for USB memory stick:
Create a “WPLSETUP.TXT” file and add the text
ALWAYS ON:TRUE   ;; will enable always ON
ALWAYS ON:FALSE  ;; will disable always ON
Disconnect BeoLab Transmitter 1, wait 60 sec.insert USB memory stick and reconnect Transmitter tothe mains.
Settings are now uploaded to the BeoLab Transmitter 1, wait 10 sec before removing the USB stick again.
Disconnect BeoLab Transmitter 1, wait 60 sec. and reconnect Transmitter 1 to the mains.
WPL_DUMP.TXT file is available on the USB stick with the current settings on the BeoLab Transmitter 1, and in this file the command "ALWAYS ON:TRUE" should be visible in the text file.

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