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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosound 8 rear cable cover

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Top 150 Contributor
Recklinghausen, Germany
Posts 751
Bronze Member
BeoIce Posted: Thu, Dec 15 2016 7:59 PM

Hi all,

bought a second-life Beosound 8, but the rear cable cover is missing and the seller doesn't have it anymore.

So if anyone has one laying around I would be grateful if he can sell it to me.



BeoSound 9000 MK3, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 6000, BeoLab 3500, LCS9000, BeoLab 11, BeoLab 7.2, BeoLab 7.1, Beolab 4 PC, BeoCenter 2300, BeoSound Century, BeoSound 8, Beosound 2, BeoVision 7-40 MK2 , BeoVision 7-32 MK3, BeoVision 6-22, BeoVision 4-42, BeoMedia 1, BeoCom 4, BeoLink 1000, BeoLink 5, BeoLink 4 & BeoTime

Top 150 Contributor
Recklinghausen, Germany
Posts 751
Bronze Member
BeoIce replied on Sun, Dec 18 2016 10:49 PM

Request solved. The seller found the cable cover. He will send it to me.



BeoSound 9000 MK3, BeoLab 8000, BeoLab 6000, BeoLab 3500, LCS9000, BeoLab 11, BeoLab 7.2, BeoLab 7.1, Beolab 4 PC, BeoCenter 2300, BeoSound Century, BeoSound 8, Beosound 2, BeoVision 7-40 MK2 , BeoVision 7-32 MK3, BeoVision 6-22, BeoVision 4-42, BeoMedia 1, BeoCom 4, BeoLink 1000, BeoLink 5, BeoLink 4 & BeoTime

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