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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Google Home

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This post has 8 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 10 Contributor
Posts 8,219
elephant Posted: Wed, May 18 2016 6:28 PM

Google Home = Amazon's device + Sonos ?

Is this the end of Sonos ?

How will it integrate with BLGW ?

*live stream

  • Google Cast allows you to control other speakers from your house with little setup.

  • You can send audio through Google cast from your Android device.

  • You can play all the usual content from your favorite music services.

  • The speaker will fill the home with music, with rich bass and good highs.

  • Google Home will build on those exerience.

  • Chromecast has been one of the hottest selling products since it launched.

  • We introduced Chromecast to let you play video in the best screen in your house.

  • First music and entertainment are a big part of what makes everyone enjoy being home.

BeoNut since '75

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beojeff replied on Wed, May 18 2016 7:28 PM

This thread could be useful in the Home Automation forum. In the Home Automation forum we've been discussing the uses of Amazon Echo and its integration with BLGW. BLGW currently integrates with Amazon Echo using IFTTT. I could see this integration being just as easy to implement with Google Home.

Top 100 Contributor
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linder replied on Wed, May 18 2016 11:01 PM

I purchased the Amazon Echo a few months ago and I really like it.  After watching the Google Home video, I was surprised and really impressed.  I especially liked the part where Google home was asked to send a google photo to the nearest TV.

LG electronics who will be making TVs for Bang and Olufsen is one of many partners for Google, Amazon, and Apple.  This is more than just about home automation.  I would like to have more of this in the General Forum.


Top 10 Contributor
Posts 8,219
elephant replied on Thu, May 19 2016 1:24 AM

@Jeff I have found the home automation thread and BLGW inspiring ! I just wish I had the capacity to indulge myself in experiments

BeoNut since '75

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Flensborg, Denmark
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Google Home: 'this is all driven by an always-listening voice interface.'

Thank you - not in my home!


There is a tv - and there is a BV

Top 25 Contributor
Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger replied on Thu, May 19 2016 10:55 AM


Google Home: 'this is all driven by an always-listening voice interface.'

Thank you - not in my home!


Ha Ha! 

Big Brother has arrived and most of us are happily inviting him into our homes. Soon we will be receiving security force visits via Google when the system hears something non PC  being discussed.


Top 500 Contributor
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hadr replied on Thu, May 19 2016 11:33 AM

I purchased the Amazon Echo a few months ago and I really like it. After watching the Google Home video, I was surprised and really impressed. I especially liked the part where Google home was asked to send a google photo to the nearest TV.

LG electronics who will be making TVs for Bang and Olufsen is one of many partners for Google, Amazon, and Apple. This is more than just about home automation. I would like to have more of this in the General Forum.

This was the part that impressed me most as well (plus the one about changing reservations, I guess there's an app integration for that one?).

All in all I'm impressed, this is something that I would certainly want B&O to integrate (well) with BLGW Big Smile

Looking forward to hearing more about it and any possible integration soon...
Chris Hassell
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@Jeff I have found the home automation thread and BLGW inspiring ! I just wish I had the capacity to indulge myself in experiments BeoNut since '75

I recently got a BLGW and am having a lot of fun already (to my wife's dismay now she has overlays appearing on the TV all the time, music stopping and starting, and lights going on and off Stick out tongue). It's a lot of fun and I'm keeping a diary of sorts in the Home Automation forum.

BeoVision Eclipse 55”, Beolab 18s, Beolab 19s, Beosound 1, Beoplay P2, H3, BeoRemote One IR, BeoRemote One BT, Beoplay S8, Beosound Essence MkII, BeoTime

Aussie Michael
Top 25 Contributor
Melbourne, AU
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Has anyone purchased a Google Home ?

I purchased one today and it doesn't yet work with Deezer in Australia - has anyone else been successful?

I have also been able to create speaker groups to play music on my various devices 

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