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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster 6000 TP1 - only playing through left channel

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J541 Posted: Fri, Feb 17 2017 2:36 PM

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.. 

Recently bought a 6000 type 2252 to work with a Beocord 8000 and CDX2.. 

The sound is great through the CDX via TP2, aerial not hooked up yet however on connecting the Beocord 8000 via the 7pin DIN cable am only getting the left channel playing. Fitted a 5 pin DIN iPod type connection to my mobile and this plays fine. So looks like culprit is the cable/connec tions or Beocord? 

Has anyone experienced something similar..suggestions how to fault find.

On another note, the Beomaster doesn't go into stanby when pressing the power button. When turn off/back on at the socket then is in stanby until select source. Apparently been sitting/unused for a while..does it need to 'warm up' with a bit of use for some niggles to iron out?

All the best.. 


Saint Beogrowler
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Saint Paul
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I had a similar issue with my Beocord 8004, sprayed contact cleaner to the DIN socket on the deck and plugged/unplugged the DIN cable multiple times took care of this issue for me.

The first thing I would suspect with the standby on the BM6000 is the switch is not making contact, push pad thing missing, oxidized contacts. Does it go into standby with the remote?
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Steffen replied on Mon, Feb 20 2017 10:21 PM

If it plays fine with your mobile phone connected via 5 pin DIN (i guess it is a DIN/miniJack cable) - but no sound in right channel when you connect the Beocord to the same socket, it is possible that one of the wires had broke inside the DIN plug from the Beocord. I have had the same issues. It is bit of a pain to open a DIN plug and solder inside it, if you are not a soldering "expert"... but it is possible. Wink <img src=" />

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J541 replied on Tue, Feb 21 2017 9:45 PM

Thanks Peter + Steffen.. 


Advice greatly appreciated..will start with the spray first and if doesn't do the trick will work through suggestions.. 


A the best.. 




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