ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hallo to Everybody
I move d to my new apartment and finally I was able to set-up a beolink network in the entire apartment.
My configuration includes an Ouverture and a Beovision 8-40 in the living room acting as audio and Video Master and 3 Beolink Passive in three other rooms. (I still have to connect my old AVANT in my bed room as I need to fix a small problem with the coax cable).
The system seems to work OK. I can hear the CD and the Radio in all rooms. However I noticed that if the TV is on the audio signal is not distributed over the network. (All the loudspeaker are connected to the BEOVISION 8-40).
Is that normal ? I was expecting that the signal was broadcasted over the masterlink ( Sometime I would like to hear the news). How will it work when I connect the Avant and I try to share the video signal via the RF-OUT?
Thank for any clarification
The sound of video sources is distributed thogether with the video signal via RF cable in moni. If you use the Link-AV-command sound goes via ML-link in stereo.
Just use: Link TV+Link-AV TV.
I think this is actually option setting - you should be able to hear TV and other video sources on your Beolink Passives. They need to be Option 6.
Indeed this is something I was puzzled about. According to the BEOLINK ACTIVE/PASSIVE manual if the TV is on activating the beolink IR interface (pushing the play button) I should here the TV audio. This does not happen.
If the entire system is in standby and I push the play button of the beolink IR interface I activate the radio of the Ouverture unit . I think that wneh the TV is on the audio signal is not distributed over the Masterlink.
Maybe a wrong set-up ?
definitely there is something strange but I am not sure if it is a malfunction or a "feature".
The DTV of BV8 is configured as Digital RECEIVER controlled via a PUC. I do not use any tuner of the BV8.
When I commanded with the BEO4 the DTV from a general Stand by I found the TV black and with the LED Green. No audio nor Video visible. When I commanded with BEO4 directly BV8 it started in the normal way.
The fact that I use DTV in this way may be the reason of the problem ? the LINK was in mode AUTO .
alfio: The DTV of BV8 is configured as Digital RECEIVER controlled via a PUC. I do not use any tuner of the BV8. When I commanded with the BEO4 the DTV from a general Stand by I found the TV black and with the LED Green. No audio nor Video visible. When I commanded with BEO4 directly BV8 it started in the normal way.
Your settopbox is connected with hdmi, right? In that case, audio will not be distributed over ML.
I was planning to connect the receiver also using the SCART because the manual indicate that the VIDEO from HDMI will not be distributed. I thought that this was valid only for teh video not for the audio associated.
I will do the change and inform on the results.
Thanks to all for support
today I was able to connect also the SCART cable beside the HDMI and the audio distribution is OK.
Best Regards
So problem solved. Nice!
But if you ever replace your settopbox, you have to bear in mind that not al receivers behave the same way. Some of them will shut off the hdmi-output if there is a scart connected.
Actually I spent some time to check about the behavior of teh Receiver ( DREAMBOX 8000 HD). The user manual was not clear at all about that, but I find confirmation that the scart is always on ( for the video recorder) in a forum.
The next challenge will be to see how does it work with my HTPC , in this case I will have to use S-Video ( if I can duplicate the signal over video and audioI