ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi all, I think I might have posted this already or to another site it's been awhile since I took this turntable out so I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself here. I have a Dual 506 tt with a mmc E 10 B&O stylus I put a record on yesterday and music only come out of one speaker? I did a process of elimination since I have my DVD player & cd player hooked up to my receiver I put a cd in & music came out of both of the speakers so obviously it means that something is up w/ the Dual turntable. I then hooked up one of my spare turn table and it's working fine music out of both speakers. My next step I took another stylus from a spare TT & hooked it sound came out of both speakers I took of the needle & re-set it & clean the terminals Did I put the wires in wrong? or is it something else? & can it be repaired I just want to know if anybody had this problem & think it's the needle? (hope it's not my B&O needle it's a $200 needle.) I wonder if you can get those fixed?any help would be great thanks..
Hi Paul,
Yes you can are you in the USA if so then sound smith can help you
in the UK Audio Origin
it is often repairable
Hi Sorry for the very late reply Thanks I got it working I cleaned the connections on the inside and it seemed to work fine from April up until a just now. I got a really bad Humming noise I cleaned the wires again , Now Just trying to figure how much weigh to put on the stylus MMC-10E B&O I did look into sound smith by the way Thanks again