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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


One evening in a Danish supermarket........

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Top 75 Contributor
The south of France and occasionally Dublin Ireland
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valve1 Posted: Fri, Sep 14 2012 8:11 PM

I had just got back to Ebsjerg and was looking for a campsite near Soren's district as we had planned to visit him next day. Passing a supermarket my wife says we need some things so we pulled in. Nirvana, this one had bottles of the elusive Elephant beer. I bought them all. At the checkout I loaded them all on the desk and was asked (in Danish) .......... which of course translated "how many you got you alcoholic"? To which I replied 24 in English.The guy on checkout say "are you Irish",? My first mental reaction was WTF he could not know I am Irish from saying 24. So I replied "yes" to be asked "was I from Dublin" ? Uncanny I thought so answering yes again I was asked was I Eddie. I had just met Soren.. whats the chances ?

I was going to France via denmark to collect my Beolab 5000 from Frede . Soren and I had planned to meet when I got to Ebsjerg but it fell through when my gps refused to believe it was not in Harwich. So North to Streur we went. Got to Frede's island and what a nice place. Black pheasents dog roses birds of prey so must be great in spring. 

 Meeting Frede at last after all the emails was great. He is very nice and restores a lot more than 5000's and 3000 beograms. Sorry Ferde I would have taken a lot more if the wife was not there ! All ready had the what do you need another radio for conversation. To my amazement the wife wanted to hear the whole 5000 play a record and loved the sound.  I have no where to put 5000 speakers.

Finally got back to  Ebsjerg to meet Soren. Over a lot of coffe we had a good chat and reviewed his huge collection bough at prices that were amazing. He did mention Elephant beer is popular with alcoholics. Great to meet a like minded classic collecter.

So calling to a few others friends in N Germany and Erlangen where I did not get up to warp speed between road works and traffic. Then back to Belgium and finally southern France which totaled 4400k and the Beomaster is not home yet.





Søren Mexico
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Mexico City
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how many you got you alcoholic

Eddie the alcoholic traveling Big Smile, Keep them coming Eddie, and make sure that 5000 comes home in one piece

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

Søren Hammer
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I'll never forget the day I met my alcoholic Irish friend at work Laughing

Your visit the following day was awesome!

Vinyl records, cassettes, open reel, valve amplifiers and film photography.

Top 200 Contributor
Charente, France
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Bob replied on Fri, Sep 14 2012 10:43 PM

Love that what an uplifting read... Cool it's amazing how small world we all live in - this forum rocks


btw Soren Hammer (sorry haven't got Danish KB) impressive collection there ;)

Don't worry - be Happy

Søren Mexico
Top 10 Contributor
Mexico City
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btw Soren Hammer (sorry haven't got Danish KB) impressive collection there ;)

Mister Hammer started collecting when he was 4 years old, that is, 15 years ago, Big Smile

Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

Top 200 Contributor
Charente, France
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Bob replied on Sat, Sep 15 2012 4:21 AM

Well I've got plenty of time than I'm only 0 now, suppose living in Denmark where all the magic happened wouldn't help bit... Whistle

Søren Mexico:

btw Soren Hammer (sorry haven't got Danish KB) impressive collection there ;)

Mister Hammer started collecting when he was 4 years old, that is, 15 years ago, Big Smile


Don't worry - be Happy

Top 10 Contributor
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elephant replied on Sun, Sep 16 2012 1:57 PM

Søren Mexico:
Eddie the alcoholic traveling Big Smile

hmmmm in the old forum days there used to be an Ed from Holland and myself.

So I sometimes signed myself "Ed-2", but after he left the board, I had gotten used to being the only Ed/Edddie,

and perhaps the only alcoholic *hic* oh well *hic* cheers to you & Soren Big Smile Beer


BeoNut since '75

Top 75 Contributor
The south of France and occasionally Dublin Ireland
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valve1 replied on Sun, Sep 16 2012 5:12 PM

After driving over 4000k on the wrong side of the road (both sides in Wales) a beer or two does not go amiss :-0.

Trying some of my German stash very soon.

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