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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BV4-65 plasma panel

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MrMMMichail Posted: Fri, Dec 15 2017 12:53 AM

Hello to all members!

I really hope to become B&O Tv owner, but need Your expert opinion before I become one Smile.

Some time ago my Samsung C9000 tv broke and I decided to replace it with plasma tv (ofcourse used one), and accidentially found BV4-65 (including BS3 and BL 7.2) listed for sale and thought "why not?".

Then I found out that there were versions with D10, D11 and D12 plasma panels. Unfortunately the Tv is in another town which is a couple thousand km away from me. The seller says it's the latest model and is about 6 years old, but can't tell what pana gen. is used.

I plan to keep my new TV as long as I can (probably till it dies) and since plasmas are discontinued since 2013 I really want the latest one, and want it to perform as good as my old 2010 Samsung.

The sticker on Tv says it's MK3 and also mentions "upd II" (pics attached).

Type No: 9121

Item No: 1830868

Serial №: 21674616


Is there a way to say what plasma panel is used by looking at those numbers?

I'm not really impressed with 2017 TVs that have plenty of useless features and high price tags. How do you think is it worth purchasing BV4-65 in 2017/2018?

Thanks in advance!

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kallasr replied on Mon, Dec 18 2017 5:48 AM
Just let the seller take a look at the setup menu. It will come up in the connections menu. Didplay 1: Beovision 4-50 D9 - for example. Hope I remember this well....


Living Room: Beosystem 4, Beolab 7-2 (Center), Beolab 9 (Fronts), Beolab 8000 (Rears), no Subwoofer. Screen: Sony KD-85XH9096
Dining Room: Beosound Essence MK II with Beolab 4000 on stands, fed by Amazon Echo Show 8
Home Cinema: Beosystem 4, Beolab 7-4 (Center), Beolab 1 (Fronts), Beolab 4000 (Rears). Projector: Sony VPL-HW55
Home Office: Beosystem 3, Beolab 7-4, Beolab 5000, Screen: Sony KD-55XH9005 on Beovision 7-40 stand, ML to Beosound 9000 MK3 and Beosound 5/Beomaster 5 (1 TB SSD version)
Bedroom: Sony KD-65XH9077, Beosound Essence MK II with Beolab 6002 and Beolab 11 (all white, wall-mounted)

In storage: Beolab 5000/Beomaster 5000 (1960s). 

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Thanks for reply! I appreciate that!

I asked him to check the menu, but the whole system is in his storage and said he has no time to unpack and repack it again to check what it says. He said - "come and check whatever you need, no problem".

I contacted B&O support, but they can't tell what panel is used. Then contacted authorized service center, but no luck.

So I thought, it's better to ask real B&O enthusiasts on this forum.


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Eastbourne, UK
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9 LEE replied on Mon, Dec 18 2017 9:12 AM

I can tell you from the serial number that this is one of the last BV4 panels. I'm going to guess it's a D10 - but either way it's a very late one, with ACM.


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Thanks for reply!

I even tried to recognize which gen it is by comparing back covers of pana th-65pf11 and th-65pf12 to the back cover of the bv4 lol.

Both (11 and 12 gen) look virtually the same. Th-65pf10, which is the D10 (I guess), looks a lil bit different, at least fans are located differently.

You're right, it has ACM feature.

The seller also indicated that it's 73kg.

As for the "upd II", I'd guess that the first major update was from 720p to 1080 and added ACM feature. That probably was D10. The update 2 is probably an upgrade to newer pana panel which should be gen 11 (d11). But that's my guess.

Hope we can find the truth Smile

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RaMaBo replied on Thu, Dec 21 2017 1:12 PM



just a side note: Don't forget to transport _and_ store a plasma Display _always_ upright and only upright! Otherwise the panel itself gets damaged.


The Beonic Man
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I would also add that while these panels do produce good pictures the black s are in fact a noticeable dark grey, not black like current OLEDs or indeed the very latest Panasonic plasma screens such as the VT model. This may not be a problem for you but for me, it did become annoying after a couple of years and why I know now I will only choose OLED technology going forward. When you have real black the difference to watching TV and movies is significant. You're getting a B&O design with the BV4 and the ACM feature but its really just a fancy frame around an outdated Panasonic panel; even the BeoSystem 3, which came with it at the time is now rather outdated so be sure you know what you buying and be happy with your choice. Technology moves so quickly these days with TVs particularly and an average priced current TV model would likely display a better picture than the BV4. Simon.

B&O products are V1-32, BS2, H95, E8 and an Essence remote.
11-46 now replaced with Sony A90J 65”, Sony HT-A9, Sony UBP-X800M2 and Sony SRS-NS7.


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j0hnbarker replied on Fri, Dec 22 2017 10:45 AM

FWIW OP, I recently bought a used BV4 50 with the D10 panel and ACM, plus BS3 and BL10 for £1k. By the time I'd parted out the BL10 for £350 I was very happy with the end result. I watch news and the occasional gardening programme so couldn't care less about the quality of the black (although I have no complaints whatsoever) as I now have a nice matching BV to accompany my BL5s in the living room.

For £750 no doubt I could have bought a new TV that might outshine the BV4 but that's not the point, and I suspect that is the case too for the OP. If you really want a bargain BV and are not driven solely by the need to remain at the cutting edge of technology then a D10 BV4 65 is probably a good buy if you can get it at the right price. Good luck!

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Sorry for late reply, been out of town.

To all members - Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Thanks for reply, I appreciate that!

Finally I managed to find out the display model used in the BV4-65. It's Panasonic TH-65VX100E, and it's from 2008-2009.

So I think I should stay away from the set I originally asked about... unfortunatelly.

I don't really like LCD/LED TVs, plasma is much more appealing to my eye. As for the OLED, they're great but I think they need a bit more time to "polish" the technology. I've seen several OLED TVs that dies in 2 years...


Anyway, thanks for participating in conversation!

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Thanks for reply!

That's  GREAT buy, no doubt! My conratulations!

He asked  £2.6k for the set - BV4, BS3, BL7.


Merry Christamas and Aa Happy New Year!

Top 75 Contributor
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olvisab replied on Mon, Jan 8 2018 7:25 PM

Got one bv 450 with acm, last 4 50 and the image is so poor that I sell it to a friend for 50 euros.

You find easily some around 250 euros. Nobody wants them now.

The bs3 has value, the tv is too old.


4 beolab 5,  beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2,  2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...

Top 75 Contributor
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olvisab replied on Mon, Jan 8 2018 7:25 PM

Got one bv 450 with acm, last 4 50 and the image is so poor that I sell it to a friend for 50 euros.

You find easily some around 250 euros. Nobody wants them now.

The bs3 has value, the tv is too old.


4 beolab 5,  beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2,  2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...

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