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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beocenter 3500 channel loss when tone arm lowered

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Altubury Posted: Tue, Feb 7 2017 9:00 PM

Hi I am new here but not new to vintage audio. I have inherited a stunning Beocenter 3500. Now holding pride of place in my collection. Unfortunately even after checking continuity and re doing a few suspect solder joints I have a persistent channel loss on the right when the needle lowers.

If I stroke the needle when the arm is lifted then I get both channels, if I gently lower the arm to the record manually I get both channels. But if I use the auto play and lower function then it cuts the right channel.


So I'm convinced it's a lift and lower short issue but I need a little guidance before looking at this as B&O seem to use TARDIS technology to pack wiring into their kit.


Can anyone give me some guidance perhaps with some pictures of what I am looking to lube, clean or re solder to fix this? All help gratefully received.


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beo3000 replied on Thu, Feb 9 2017 12:03 PM

I had this once with a beogram 1200 as the muting switch to give quite drop raise cueing functions was not right 2 leaf springs in a mute switch and one was the wrong way round, there is something like that in this as well that might be what is wrong, 


service  manual for the beogram 3000 will match the beogam built into this beocenter 

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Altubury replied on Fri, Feb 10 2017 7:06 PM

Thank you for such a helpful answer. I have seen that micro switch and leaf spring assembly and I will give it some attention shortly. I will let you know now it went. Many thanks.

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Altubury replied on Sat, Mar 17 2018 6:11 PM

Finally getting around to this!

service Manual from B&O:

page 21 of 37 gives the detail on the silent switch



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