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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Start Problem Beogram 8002

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mondeo93 Posted: Mon, Jun 25 2018 8:22 AM
To Beoworld experts
I have got a Beogram 8002 problem
is when I press start, then tangential arm moves onto the plate and stops one cm before the plate. 
The tangential arm then runs back completely. 
The tangential arm's running machine is not blocked, 
with the buttons, manually can drive it all the way to the end of the disc and back again. 
It's as if the record player thinks no plate is on. 
I've divorced the runway from each other and greased it and it runs easily. 
Can any electrolytic capacitors that can go in and send incorrect information be dried out?

Regards Ulrik
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Texas, United States
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sonavor replied on Mon, Jun 25 2018 3:09 PM

Hi, strange problems like you are seeing can happen when a Beogram 800x turntable is in need of restoration. The control system is microcomputer based and depends on a number of sensors. As sensors begin to fail and/or voltage levels become unstable problems begin to show up. The Beogram board is also pretty small and many times solder joints on the board connectors get stressed. If the Beogram is still running on the original components then I would definitely replace the electrolytic capacitors. While doing that you can reflow the connector solder joints. But be careful soldering as a number of those are very close together. If you have an oscilloscope you can check the signals coming off the sensors to see if they are good. One thing at a time though. Replace the main board capacitors first and re-evaluate.


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