ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi All,
I am having problems pairing my Beolink Wireless 1 transmitter and receiver.
I have factory reset them, so they are flashing orange. I then press the connect button on the Transmitter unit and immediately press the Connect button on the Receiver unit. Both the Transmitter and Receiver flash red for about a minute but then return to flashing orange again.
I've tried this many times and have changed the configuration of the transmitter and receiver (i.e. swapped their settings around) but still no luck. What could the problem be? Am I doing something wrong?
Please take a look at the following link - I have used it and it makes matters much clearer:
Hope it helps
I think the link the other poster supplied is for the new WISA wireless speakers.
I think you are asking about the older wireless ...
Whenever I have had connection problems I have moved the receiving box to close to the transmitter; then synched; and then moved it back to it original position - just to get over range and interference issues.
BeoNut since '75
Hello all, I am having the same problem with SuperM… just to clarify that this is for the beolink wirless 1 and no the wisa wirless!
Any help would be highly appreciated!
Like others have said, make sure 1) they have the same software (not easy since there's no guaranteed way of knowing this - there should be a sticker, or sequential serial numbers, but neither of these *prove* the version) and 2) they are near each other with no big metal objects or interference generating devices (microwave, refrigerator, cell phone, cordless phone, etc.) near by.
If it still doesn't work, you may be out of luck. I have 2 that will not pair even when next to each other. I bought them new, and they worked for a 5-6 years, but got progressively spottier until now they will not pair. My guess is some component has degraded enough that the signal tx or reception is out of spec. I spoke to a service center about it, and they were not excited to work on them ("wireless is unreliable", "just because we can get them to work doesn't mean they'll work in your home").
I gave up and bought an Essence. Not exactly the same, but reliably does what it is supposed to do.
Stan:I gave up and bought an Essence. Not exactly the same, but reliably does what it is supposed to do.