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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram intergration to wi fi speakers

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Paul cheacker
Top 500 Contributor
Posts 130
Bronze Member
Paul cheacker Posted: Fri, Sep 28 2018 2:38 PM

My current setup is a beosound 5 encore with a playmaker mk1 connected to aux port beogram 4500 connected to playmaker via rca inputs. My question is in the future I want to add beoplay m5 in my bedroom, however what I would like to do is be able to play the beogram in the main room and have sound come through the m5 in the bedroom. Firstly is this possible? Second if so how?

Thanks and regard in advance

Beolover since 1970s

Current b and o Products

beosound 5 encore, beolabs 6000, beogram 4500, playmaker mk1

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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Gold Member

I am sorry for rhe answer, but it will not be possible so.

The M5 is a NL roduct (B&O multiroom) - the Encore and the PM (1gen) aren’t.

Only way will be to exchange the current PM with a version 2 or a BS Core.

And your wifi should be stable.


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