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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Old stuff on website of B&O

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AdiS Posted: Fri, Dec 14 2018 3:08 PM

Amsuing and sad at the same time to see that B&O original site uses pictures of Beolab 5 e.g. - seems that there is not enough stuff for the site which remains. I think the portfolio shrinks more and morge.


thoughtful regards



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matador43 replied on Fri, Dec 14 2018 4:22 PM

I totally agree,

Even the Television part show Beovision 11 and Avant in pictures when you only can find information about Eclipse and Horizon.

Maybe not relevant for people who's following the brand but totally disturbing for newcomers.

Add to that the very poor landing page layout with the Beosound Edge picture which looks like too small for the layout and the text half on picture half on blue background and it really feels like Marketing is not performing very well.

It use to be a big image bank for press which has been replaced by a Flickr account few weeks ago. Here too, you can find the last Eclipse HD pictures next to beoplay V1 or S8 images but no Beosound Moment pictures for example…

Barry Santini
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As much as the products introduced between 2001 and 2011 were wildly overpriced, those same ML products operate in rock solid fashion, have unrivaled design panache and are built to last—all without significant software issues
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Pat replied on Mon, Dec 17 2018 10:31 AM
Agree, also the “new beowise” ( retailers/installers/repairers will know what I mean) has shrunk and to find anything specific is like hitting jackpot in the lottery. Lots of older product and technical specifications have been removed - this used to make B&O special, giving some kind of support regarding the older products. Adding fact that B&O sells to Amazon bulks of goods very, very cheap trying to beat Bose with the price, etc, it doesn’t look like a luxury brand I’m afraid.

Customers don’t have this “special” feeling anymore.
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