ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi all,
my beosound 9000 was broken. No standby light, nothing.
I found out that the pcb 43 powersupply was defective.
so I replaced it with a used one.
after that standby light comes back. I did the testmodes for cd drive, everthing ok.
now my Problem is.
I can use the cd without any Problem. I can choose A.Aux no probs.
But Icannot choose the Radio. If I try the 9000 shut down and comes back to the standby Modus about 2-3 seconds later.
I don´t think it is the Radio platine, because I tried two different of them.
Testmode 27 Shows IIC error 98
I can not use specific testmodes for Radio. Same Procedere, 9000 shut down
maybe someone of you has some ideas for me.
Thank you Markus