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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 2200 - multiple questions (stylus replacement necessary, platter not level, wood trim)

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Hamburg, Germany
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Bronze Member
Manuel Posted: Thu, Jan 3 2019 3:04 PM

Dear all,

here are a few facts:

  • I have sort of inherited a Beogram 2200 from the late 70s.
  • It had not been used for a while until I revived it this year. (But I don't actually know for how long.)
  • I don't know whether any parts have ever been replaced. As far as I can tell it is all-original.
  • The sound is simply fantastic (in combination with pre-amp and hi-fi system)! I was completely blown away by the difference in quality compared to my previous setup with another player from the same era.

Sounds great? Yes, but there are a few issues I would like to address here. I am aware that there are THOUSANDS of threads on Beograms and these matters but did not find the answers I was looking for.

  1. Let's assume my Beogram is all-original. Are there any absolutely mandatory part replacements? Yes, it is functional. Yes, the sound is great. But what about everything I can't see, hear, or know of because I am new to this field? What about avoidable minor damage I am doing to my LPs every day. For example, in another forum I read that the cartridge's suspension must be worn/broken after so many years and thus be replaced. Even if the stylus' life-time has not yet been exceeded.
  2. The platter is not running level. I didn't notice this at first but when I paid close attention I realized that the stylus is slightly moving up and down again. This is not due to the quality of my vinyls, I have tested with several old and brand-new pressings. The suspension of the sub-chassis containing the platter and stylus arm is either not adjusted properly or it is somehow broken. Or it might another problem. Can you help to point me in the right direction?
  3. Any tips on how to renew the wood trim? It's coming off and was subsequently damaged on one side. This bothers me only because I think this record deck is otherwise particularly beautiful in shape and haptics.

It's interesting how I never questioned my hardware – apparently because I was too stunned about what came out of my speakers after acquiring a decent pre-amp. This means that all possible damage and aging is barely visible or audible to me.

Many thanks in advance, a happy new year and best regards from Hamburg, Germany,


Saint Beogrowler
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Saint Paul
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Let's assume my Beogram is all-original. Are there any absolutely mandatory part replacements? Yes, it is functional. Yes, the sound is great. But what about everything I can't see, hear, or know of because I am new to this field? What about avoidable minor damage I am doing to my LPs every day. For example, in another forum I read that the cartridge's suspension must be worn/broken after so many years and thus be replaced. Even if the stylus' life-time has not yet been exceeded. The platter is not running level. I didn't notice this at first but when I paid close attention I realized that the stylus is slightly moving up and down again. This is not due to the quality of my vinyls, I have tested with several old and brand-new pressings. The suspension of the sub-chassis containing the platter and stylus arm is either not adjusted properly or it is somehow broken. Or it might another problem. Can you help to point me in the right direction? Any tips on how to renew the wood trim? It's coming off and was subsequently damaged on one side. This bothers me only because I think this record deck is otherwise particularly beautiful in shape and haptics. It's interesting how I never questioned my hardware – apparently because I was too stunned about what came out of my speakers after acquiring a decent pre-amp. This means that all possible damage and aging is barely visible or audible to me.

Many thanks in advance, a happy new year and best regards from Hamburg, Germany,


This style of B&O cartridge has a much better suspension lifespan, if it plays well, it is good. The life of the tip of the stylus is another issue where high hours can still sound fine and some say by the time sound degrades from stylus wear then you have already damaged your vinyl.

Replace anything? Not really mandatory. If you want to optimize it, I’d ordered a good belt from Martin ( which may improve speed stability and adjust for tonearm for exact tracking force and maybe, maybe go for a cartridge rebuild but that is just my opinions.

Uneven, check your transport screws. Here is how to adjust the suspension.

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Hamburg, Germany
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Manuel replied on Fri, Jan 4 2019 8:17 PM

Thanks for the reply and sharing the knowledge!
Platter = turntable? I removed the turntable. I can't quite follow the instructions. I feel I have to remove more pieces than just the turntable. If I put the turntable back on I can't see where the screws settle in. It's quite obvious that I am missing something..

By "rebuilding cartridge" you mean something different from "replacing cartridge with a new part"? This would cover for the risk you mentioned where damage is done as soon as the needle starts dying. Is this something I get done locally? Any ideas on price range?

Saint Beogrowler
Top 150 Contributor
Saint Paul
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It looks like your 3 transport screws might be tight. Loosen so you can feel the suspension.

Adjustment To the suspension is with the screws as indicated. No need to disassemble beyond this. Sorry about the rough writing, using my phone here.

Not Ranked
Hamburg, Germany
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Bronze Member
Manuel replied on Sun, Feb 3 2019 10:43 AM

Hello again and sorry for the late reply. Sometimes I have more time to play around and test out, sometimes it's less. However, this is an ongoing topic for me. Thanks so much for your time!

  1. The transport screws are not tight (and never were). The person who gave this to me didn't know that such a thing as transport screws might exist. That may be a reason why the suspension is a little off. I tried to adjust by using the suspension screws. I don't notice any difference. MAYBE IT IS OKAY, THOUGH. DOES THE PLATTER HAVE TO RUN FULLY LEVEL? I have not run into trouble when playing an LP. How perfectly does a 35 years old player have to run? I still don't understand the instructions on the manual you posted. I can't get the same perspective as given in the lower picture. How would you do it? Just try out or do you actually measure the three suspension screws somehow?
  2. Back to my other questions. What is a cartridge rebuild? Does it include replacing the stylus? Is that something you can get done in every major city. I live in Hamburg in the north of Germany.
  3. Does anyone have an idea on renewing wood trim / veneer? See below:


Any tips on how to renew the wood trim? It's coming off and was subsequently damaged on one side. This bothers me only because I think this record deck is otherwise particularly beautiful in shape and haptics.

Thanks again!
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