ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Mate of mine needs the above repairing, anyone know of anywhere? Local preferred West Yorks!
Agreed but he doesn't have the finances to do so.
Would that B&O sold such a product, at such a price... At USD $225 for a new one, you'll be hard pressed to find someone in the UK who will work on it economically. If it has been repaired before, bin it -- a used one on fleabay will cost less than the 1.0 hour bench fee. If it has never been repaired before, get any cowboy to remove the power supply screen/cage and replace the largest electrolytic capacitor underneath, and pray that was all you needed. Otherwise, bench fee to diagnose and repair: back to uneconomical... Note: In the USA, the Bose reps over the telephone provide straightforward price quotes for flat-fee repair -- which pricing was not totally out of line, for a very old LifeStyle system. Try calling their UK service number, maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised?
[[Edit: Urgh, sorry, forgot about multiple models. The newer Solo (5, small one) has an external power supply. But that's still where I would start: see if the DC power output is what it should be. Replacing it will be the only truly cheap repair.]]