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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beovision 10-32 wrong setting no picture

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mariuszf1 Posted: Sat, Jul 15 2017 11:27 AM
Hi there, i hope one of you can help me out, as it seems as i just did something stupid with my BV 10-32MK4. A few days ago i have realized a vertical line on the screen which left me believe the screen itself has a problem. A day later the line was away but i found out, it might be for the wrong panel adjustment, so i went into the service mode (00+GO) in the submenu Product Type and then in the line Panel version, and changed the version to the second one i could select, which had a newer number. After i pushed the button to confirm that change the screen went black and left me alone with audio only. I restarted it with no effect. Comparing to my other set (BV4+BS§) i could go in the service menu "blind" and select Set back to factory settings, but this was as well without bringing the picture back after restart when 40 seconds went through. I presume the panel setting just did not change with the reset. The problem is i cant go in service menu "blind" means comparing to my other set, pressing arrow and go buttons as many times as necessary to selct back the other panel, as my other setup does not have a Product Tap submenu in the service menu (00+GO). So if one of you owns a BV 10-32 and could be so nice to send me the instructions what to press how many times to find this menu without seeing it, that would save my life and that of my BV 10 too :) A video clip sent by whatsapp for example showing the menu when going in to Product Tape and then to Panel Version (or it might be Panel Type, i dont remember it exactly). I hope you guys can help me out here....
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vvrhf replied on Tue, Jul 9 2019 7:02 PM

Good day

I have the TV with very similar issue

Have You fixed Yours




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Bronze Member

Hi there


in the end there was no way to fix it and i gave it to a b&o tecnician to fix as i still had warranty for it. They put a new panel and 2 or 3 pcbs to fix it.

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