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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Connecting Airport Express Digital Output to Beolab 5 / Beocenter 2

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Seedar Posted: Sat, Nov 23 2019 2:50 AM


I've recently got the Beolab 5's and beocenter 2. Love it !

Question I have is that I can successfully connect the digital out of the airexpress or Apple TV to the beolab 5's direct, and that works wonderfully if I select "Disk" on the Beocenter 2. But you need to have a CD in the unit and it will stop when the disk finishes. I had expected it would work if I selected "Aux" on the Beocenter 2 but get no audio that way... Do the Beolab 5's "know" that its on Aux and therefore they dont look at the digital input ?

Any ideas ?

thanks !


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oli replied on Sat, Nov 23 2019 8:25 AM

AUX on the BC2 is to get the sound from a source connected to the AUX socket of the black box socket unit. Your BL5 are probably in L.OPT 0, meaning that the digital socket is open through the CD command sent through the Powerlink connection. Of course it is also trying to activate the CD of the BC2 too.


In your case, I would suggest to connect your Apple box to the AUX socket of the BC2, (to avoid switching the L.OPT and A.OPT all the time on the Beo4, and connect a sync cable between the two BL5).

What are you connecting exactly to your BL5 currently ? Airport Express or Apple TV ? They don't have the same output for sound. I assume it is an Airport Express as you did not mention a DAC or toslink to SPDIF converter between your Apple box and the BL5. The output of the Airport Express is sending both Analog and Digital signal, so in that case nothing else to do than just unplug from BL5 to plug to the AUX RCA socket of the BC2 socket unit, and pressing AUX (or A.MEM on the Beo4). 

For Apple TV, you will need additional hardware

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oli replied on Sat, Nov 23 2019 8:25 AM

double post to be removed

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Seedar replied on Sat, Nov 23 2019 10:25 AM

I'm using apple tv with a toslink to a converter from toslink to SPDIF but can do the same with airport express as it has optical digital out also. The analog audio out is not very good quality, but yes works.

If I add a sync cable between the beolab 5's what turns the speakers on and off ?


Ideally I want to use the beocenter 2 for DAB radio source and CD. But also use the Apple TV to stream music.




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oli replied on Sun, Nov 24 2019 5:05 PM

I would suggest you to give a try to set the L.OPT to 4 on the Lab5, it will permit to activate the BL5 only (SPDIF input) with the Beo4 by selecting LINK, and then RADIO.

Sync cable mandatory to sync the volume of the 2 speakers as volume control will be managed directly by the BL5, the BC2 will remain off.


Without the LINK before RADIO, it should activate the DAB of the BC2, and normally should power on the BL5 too. CD should only read the disk in the BC2 (and also activate the BL5 on Powerlink)

Peter Pan
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Peter Pan replied on Sun, Nov 24 2019 8:15 PM

Hi Seedar. - Look here.

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Seedar replied on Sun, Nov 24 2019 11:50 PM

Thanks Oli and Peter for your help ! Smile

One more question, as I would like to use the digital connection from Apple TV and use the Beolab 5 DAC, if I do that, and change the Beolab 5 option to support that and add the sync cable - Can I still leave the powerlink cables from the Beocenter 2 and use that for DAB ?

thanks !


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oli replied on Mon, Nov 25 2019 5:20 AM
Yes of course. And it is even necessary to play radio and CD from the BC2, see the last part of my post
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Seedar replied on Mon, Nov 25 2019 10:18 PM

I tried that last night and the Beolabs by themselves were fine after setting Option 1 but the Beocenter 2 now doesnt respond to the remote at all ? I'll lokk into that a little more maybe I did something silly, haven't really investigated that yet.

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oli replied on Tue, Nov 26 2019 6:07 AM
You shall setup the A.OPT to 2 (I think it should also work in A.OPT 1), and L.OPT to 4.

To come back at the original setup it is A.OPT 1 and L.OPT 0.

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Seedar replied on Tue, Nov 26 2019 10:23 PM

Great, thanks. Where are all those settings documented and explained as to what they really do ? The manuals dont explain them.

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Seedar replied on Wed, Dec 4 2019 6:48 AM

Thanks but it doesn't work :-(

With L.Opt set to 4 Beolabs turn on with Link Radio ok and work through teh optical connection fine but will not play any inputs from the Beocenter 2.

L.Opt set to 1, the speakers turn on with the Beocenter 2 but again wont play any audio through teh powerlink from beocenter.

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