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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


How to connect B&O MPAV9000 to non-B&O amplifier

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eoltmans Posted: Mon, Nov 5 2012 10:44 AM

Hi There,


I have got a B&O MPAV9000 (BEOCENTER 2300). It usually has been sold together with the BEOVISION 9000 as a BEOsystem. If you want to use eg the CDplayer of the MPAVthen you have to do it via the TV BEOVISION 9000 and from there tot a amplifier. But I don't have the BEOVISION 9000 anymore, and I can't use the MAPV anymore. But there should be a possibility to connect the MPAV9000 directly to a non B&O amplifier via the B&O Multilink cable to RCA connectors.

Can somebody tell or help me out with this?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Peter replied on Mon, Nov 5 2012 2:43 PM

I think we have been here before in the past! Smile

If you have a MP9000 rather than a BC2300,

I believe it has various bits missing that are in the AV9000 - The ML circuits are in the TV and I seem to remember that there is an issue with the volume control. Worth looking in the old archive for this but I believe the consensus was that although it is possible to do something with these panels, it is expensive and as a 2300 is available for so little money now, it was not an economical solution. What connections are there on your MP9000 - I guess only the ML cable.


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