ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi All, This may seem a weird question. But sometimes I use the beovision 7 to play internet radio through a nvidia shield I have hooked upto it. When I use the shield to play internet radio, I dont really like to leave the screen on. Is there a way to have the screen turned off but still have the TV on playing sound?
Thanks all.
Beolab 8000 x 2
Beolab 1
Beolab 2
Beovision 7-40
Beosound 9000
Beosound Ouverture
Beolit 12
If you're using an early AV Beo4 remote pressing the AV key before any source should start the audio only on that source.If you're using a latter Beo4 remote you must add the P.MUTE key to mute the picture.
If you're using a Beo5/6 remote and are able to program it. I believe that selecting a video source from a radio entry open the audio only.It works with an Airport Express connected to the V.MEM scart input on my BC6.
Thanks for that Matador43, Out of the 3 beo4 remotes I have, one was new enough to have the P.MUTE command. Now I can have the screen off. Thanks
Learned something new ! Thanks...