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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Wanted: Top Plate for Beolink 7000

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This post has 6 Replies | 2 Followers

Top 150 Contributor
Örebro, Sweden
Posts 521
Gold Member
tamtapir Posted: Sun, Oct 26 2014 8:29 AM

Does anybody have this part, Top Plate number 3458758 for Beolink 7000?

New or good used. PM or email me!


Dave Farr
Top 50 Contributor
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Dave Farr replied on Sun, Oct 26 2014 2:03 PM

Another Holy Grail item.  I assume you've checked the usual auction sites?  I know there was one fairly recently on eBay but they don't come up very often.

Leslie seems to know a good manufacturer of panels for BL speakers and so on, maybe ask him if he has a source for these?  A manufacturer could make a fortune by remaking these!


Top 150 Contributor
Örebro, Sweden
Posts 521
Gold Member
tamtapir replied on Sun, Oct 26 2014 2:35 PM

Dave Farr:

Another Holy Grail item.  I assume you've checked the usual auction sites?  I know there was one fairly recently on eBay but they don't come up very often.

Leslie seems to know a good manufacturer of panels for BL speakers and so on, maybe ask him if he has a source for these?  A manufacturer could make a fortune by remaking these!


Ok, is it so bad? I cant find any at Ebay currently and I read in a post at the old forum that they are sold-out at B&O.
Well, have to keep my eyes open then and concider the option to make a new one on my own...

Thank you for your answer, even that it was not good news.


Dave Farr
Top 50 Contributor
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Dave Farr replied on Sun, Oct 26 2014 4:45 PM

Ok, is it so bad? I cant find any at Ebay currently and I read in a post at the old forum that they are sold-out at B&O.
Well, have to keep my eyes open then and concider the option to make a new one on my own...

I think it is.  The problem is as you say, B&O have none left.  A dealer may have one buried in a stockroom and probably won't know what it is.  Maybe Lee might find one in a closed down dealers some day.

If someone has a broken screen and wants to dismantle it, you may find a donor.  Otherwise, I think it's a re-manufacture.  I need one too for one of mine as it's badly scratched.  As a last resort, I may take it off and see if I can find someone who can make one - or a batch if it's worthwhile.


Top 150 Contributor
Örebro, Sweden
Posts 521
Gold Member
tamtapir replied on Sun, Oct 26 2014 6:09 PM

Thanks Dave.

I'm will talk to a guy who has a machine shop here, if it might be something he could do. I'm waiting for my BL and when it comes, I'll take it apart to measure and examine the part. Can this guy do a copy he can certainly produce another.




Top 25 Contributor
Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
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Leslie did get some remanufactured for his stock remotes.

He is worth a try.

Regards Graham

Top 500 Contributor
Posts 303
Bronze Member



I am looking for this plate too. Maybe anybody can help me finding one?

Best regards


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