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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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Does Beolab 18 need a sub?

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Hot_Knife Posted: Sat, May 25 2019 7:05 PM

After much thought I think I am closer to buying some Beolab 18's but after quite a lot of searching I haven't found any information about use with a sub, if it's needed or not.

Do those who own them think they need a sub? I listen to a very wide range of genre's, not one thing in particular. Electronic and rock through to classic/jazz The room they would be in is about 7x 6 meters.

Thanks for your thoughts in advance.




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mawheele replied on Sun, May 26 2019 1:26 PM

I've had both Beolab 8000's and 18's and my preference has always been to add a Beolab sub. I've recently moved from the 2 to the 19. The 19 is a significant improvement over the 2, offering greater precision and complimentary impact to the 18s. My speakers are all connected to my BV Eclipse and for movies I'd say its critical. And for dance music you also gain a significant step up in impact - you really feel the music. 

I know its another £2500, but it really completes the sound.

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Louannec - France
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mbolo01 replied on Sun, May 26 2019 1:46 PM
The placement of the sub and it’s tuning is key.

When I added the 8000 to my 18 + 19 setup, i found the legacy ones warmer in bass rendering, I was then disappointed by the 18 + 19 alliance .....

I disabled the sub to listen to 18 only and found them superior to the 8000 and including a better bass rendering.

I then moved my 19 closer to the 18, adjusted the gain, and voilà .... the 5 speakers are now filling my music space in a perfect harmony!

BS Moment, BS Core, BG 4002, BC 4500, BS1, BL18, BL19, BL8000 + RCV1, A6, M5, M3, A1, P6 (tks Botty), H5, TR1

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Fansastic replied on Sun, May 26 2019 1:52 PM
I have the BL18 for a month now and very impressed with the sound and bass capability. Before I had the BL14.4 and the 18’s are a real improvement.

I have the sub from the 14 still in my setup but do not use it with music, it actually gives worse bass than the 18, to punchy and heavy. The 18 is more balanced. Not sure if a BL19 sub is better than the BL14 sub (Always thought that the 14 sub was a very good sub).

Use the BL18 with BL3 and great combination. Also use a Horizon for fine tuning the sound settings.

Your personal taste, room acoustics and total setup will determine the need for a sub.

BV Harmony 65 / Eclipse 55 / BL 50 / 19 / 18 / BS 2 all brass

BV Horizon 48 / V1 40 / BL 17 / Beoplay S3 all black

V1 / BL 3 / BS Essence MKII / Beoplay A3 all white

BS Moment / BS 3000 / BS 3200 / BL 400 all silver

Headphones / bluetooth speakers / BLC NL-ML / BLGateway

I know…B&O virus has grown on me ! 

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Duels replied on Sun, May 26 2019 4:56 PM
I had BL18s for four years and was always very pleased with the sound. I added a 19 recently. Makes a real difference at higher volumes. But placement is absolutely everything. Also don’t be afraid to play with the settings to optimise sound.

I use a transmitter 1 so that handles the high/Lowe pass filters.

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Sandyb replied on Sun, May 26 2019 4:59 PM

I've got the 18s and a 19.

I use only the 18s for music really, I find it preferable to using the 18+19 (2.1) combination for music.

The bass reproduction of the 18's is absolutely fine, and when you add in the 19's I dont like the processing that is applied. in this 2.1 setup the mids just seem less pronounced.

The 18's on their own sound more coherent to me.

If you are a big film watcher, then the 19 becomes more essential.



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Hot_Knife replied on Mon, May 27 2019 6:11 PM

Thank you very much everyone for your replies, that is very helpful already.

The alternative I'm considering is a pair of Beolab 9. Much prefer the idea and aesthetics of some 18's though—will consider the 19 as well.

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Esax replied on Tue, May 28 2019 11:27 AM
Everything below beolab 5 needs a sub.

Beovision 7-55 MK1 red, Beolab 10 red. Beolab 50, all black. Beolab 17 broken ice. Beolab transmitter. Apple tv4 and apple express 2.

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Tassos replied on Tue, May 28 2019 12:47 PM

Hello hot knife,

I have had a pair of 18s since the day they arrived at the Greek dealer and I was super happy with them. They have very clear highs and a good capability in lows. After two years I added a beolab 2. Big improvement to the whole setup. I have the 18s and 2 connected to a beoplay v1 and I am using the setup for movies and music (almost any kind of music). According to my humble opinion they sound better when the signal processing is done by the V1 rather than a third party amp or tv. The reason I believe is simply that the V1 is doing all the sound processing and by that I mean that V1 (or any other B&O TV) "knows" the speakers you have connected to it and can do stuff like bass redirection etc.

In November 2018 I bought a pair of 9s to use with my beosound moment strictly for music listening. I knew from the begging that the 9s were (and still are to my opinion and wallet caliber) the most reasonable priced high end speakers made by B&O. They have a superior imaging (at least this is what I noticed) in comparison to the combination of 18s and 2. Furthermore they sound fantastic in all three bands (highs, lows,mids). I have tried to connect the 2 to them only to realize that at least for music the 2 is not needed. The combination of Class AB amps for mids and highs and class d for lows is magical for music listening at least for my ears and sound taste.

I definitely recommend the 9s but this does not mean that a pair of 18s do not sound good. I also had the opportunity to spend some time with a 18s and 19 setup and I have to admit that it sounds far better than the 18s and 2 setup even when they were playing from third party amp.

All in all my preference is



18s+2 (only when you have them connected to B&O equipment)


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Duels replied on Tue, May 28 2019 12:53 PM

The bass reproduction of the 18's is absolutely fine, and when you add in the 19's I dont like the processing that is applied. in this 2.1 setup the mids just seem less pronounced.

The 18's on their own sound more coherent to me.

There is some truth here, certainly at lower volumes. Mids can suffer and there are times when I prefer the sound of just the 18s.

But when you get beyond about 60% of maximum volume the 18s simply cannot shift enough air. That is when a sub is necessary. The difference a sub makes at higher volumes is huge.
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Duels replied on Tue, May 28 2019 12:55 PM

Everything below beolab 5 needs a sub. Beovision 7-55 MK1 red, Beolab 10 red. Beolab 50, all black. Beolab 17 broken ice. Beolab transmitter. Apple tv4 and apple express 2.

Really? Even BL20s and 9s? My understanding is that the 20’s own bass capabilities exceed those of the 19.
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Tassos replied on Tue, May 28 2019 1:01 PM


But when you get beyond about 60% of maximum volume the 18s simply cannot shift enough air. That is when a sub is necessary. The difference a sub makes at higher volumes is huge.


Totally agreeYes - thumbs up

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Esax replied on Tue, May 28 2019 9:39 PM

Really? Even BL20s and 9s? My understanding is that the 20’s own bass capabilities exceed those of the 19.

Yes if you wan’t to really feel the music. Not just shake the air but shake your bones. Listen to the 50 and you know what I’m talking about.

Beovision 7-55 MK1 red, Beolab 10 red. Beolab 50, all black. Beolab 17 broken ice. Beolab transmitter. Apple tv4 and apple express 2.

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hoogey replied on Sat, Jan 30 2021 6:45 PM

I bought a pair of Beolab 18 for the looks of the speakers. They sound really crisp and clear especially on lower volumes. For classical music and standard songs they produce decent bass, but with modern music as The Weeknd or Billie Eilish they are certainly missing bass... Listen to the The Hills (Weeknd) for example  it cuts the deepest tones which kind of annoys me. And I’m not someone who like to maximize the bass... it should be balanced and punchy. My Anthony Gallo Sub does this brilliantly in my home theatre system

So to my question - is it possible to connect an external sub, like my Gallo Sub? Don’t fancy the looks of the Beo 19 unfortunately 



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