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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


The last dance of the old Beocenter 2200?

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Selknam Posted: Thu, Aug 19 2021 10:27 PM

Hello B&O community

Let me tell you that I have received a Beocenter 2200 receiver as a gift that has some problems (well, quite a few problems). I find it a very nice model that I want to repair even though it is said that it is not a good stereo (made in japan). At least get the turntable working well. This seems to work well, the automatic arm system kicks in correctly when a record is placed on the platter. The platter appears to be spinning at the correct revolutions. I am thinking of buying a new cartridge (Soundsmith SMMC4) to replace the non-working MMC5 cartridge ... However, before I take a chance (the cartridge is quite expensive) I want to be sure that the amp will work properly. The problem is that when using the radio (the radio works fine!), Only the left speakers are heard. Both right speakers (speaker 1 and 2) emit almost imperceptible sound. I have checked the fuses and they are operational. I have also checked the balance and the button that activates the second pair of speakers. Therefore, the problem must be internal (capacitors? Dirt? Cold welds? Etc) ...

If someone can guide my search I will be very grateful. I am not an electronics expert, but I will take the time to review the diagrams.

On the other hand, will it be possible to connect the turntable with an external amplifier or receiver through the RIIA connector? Could this put teams at risk? Excuse my ignorance on these issues.



Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
Posts 13,191
Dillen replied on Fri, Aug 20 2021 9:08 AM

The MPX filters are known to fail in these Beocenters.
I suggest you start there.
You can bridge it to cofirm the diagnose.


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