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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Rename fields

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This post has 2 Replies | 1 Follower

Rudi Pedersen
Top 500 Contributor
Herning, Denmark
Posts 125
Bronze Member

Hi at Khimo

Could you please consider in a future release for the BLI, that is will be possible to rename fields.

See the attachment.

The source named Optical is actually my turntable - this would be nice, if one could rename this to Turntable ....

Best regards Rudi

Khimo Support
Top 500 Contributor
Posts 181
Bronze Member

Hi Rudy,

All those fields can be renamed with the Pro BeoLiving Intelligence!

E.g: in "Huset/Kokken/B&O Moment", Huset is the Area and and Kokken is the zone, and they can both be renamed in the Zones tab, and the Moment is the resource and can be renamed in the Resources tab.

For more info have a look at our Pro setup guide on our documentation site.

Best regards,

the Khimo team.

Rudi Pedersen
Top 500 Contributor
Herning, Denmark
Posts 125
Bronze Member

Hi Khimo

Thanks for the answer.

I am aware that this can be changed, but my question is not this section.

If you look at the attachment in my first chat - I am talking about renaming the products listet in the table named "Sources in product".

In this table there is a product named Toslink and with the name Optical. Physical I have connected my turntable to this input - so now I need to remember to press Optical when the turntable must play.

I would like to rename Optical to ex. Turntable or Grammafon (in danish) or whatever I find best.

So, the idea is to let us rename the names in the table

I hope this makes it more clear

Best regrads Rudi

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