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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beovision Avant Type 81/00 - supported connections in scart ports?

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Zogun Posted: Thu, Nov 18 2021 11:16 AM

Hello all experts!

I recently got my hands on a beautiful (pearlescent blue) Beovision Avant 28" with built in VHS-player. I'm mainly using it for retro-gaming but I'm having a hard time figuring out which of the scart ports (if any) that I can use for RGB-scart.

Link to picture of model number/serial: 

I've plugged in my NES in the camcorder ports with composite which works great. I've also plugged in my PAL SNES with an RGB-cable (I'm not sure if it's fully wired or only wired for RGB) and I get the following results:

1: If I use the scart port labeled V.TAPE (where the built-in VHS is connected) I only get sound and a static gray image.

2: If I use the AV-port I managed to get a black & white image with sound and after some experimenting I found out that I could go to Menu -> Setup -> Sources and assign V.AUX to the AV-port and that gave me a picture with color and sound. However I'm not sure of it's a composite image over SCART or if it's actually full RGB (it does look very good, but not super-crisp)

3: If I use the decoder scart-port I don't get any sound or picture whatsoever, and the port does not show up under menu -> setup -> sources either.

Hopefully someone can help me gain some clarity in what I can expect to plug in and if it will be worth to RGB-mod my NES console as well :)

Cheers, Daniel

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Utrecht, The Netherlands
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Beobuddy replied on Thu, Nov 18 2021 11:25 AM

Hi Daniel,

from my memory:

Vtape and AV support RGB, Decoder doesn't. A fully wired scartcable is needed for that.
If you can't rename the Decoder socket, then you can use "Tune" from one of the preset TV channels and set decoder to "ON". When choosing that channel, the Avant will look at the Decoder socket, which only support composite. 

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Zogun replied on Thu, Nov 18 2021 12:16 PM

Thanks for the quick answer. According to the guy I bought my SNES from (with the cable included) it is fully wired and he built it himself. He seems really knowledgeable and I have no reason to doubt him. 

Do you have any idea on why I only get a gray picture and no sound when I plug in the cable in the V.TAPE-port? The guy I bought the SNES from talked about some other B&O model where you needed to shift the function on the V.TAPE by pressing shift + V.Tape or shift + 9 (I've used the ADD? function on the remote and added the shift function) and tried those two but that didn't result in anything as far as I could tell :D

I'll try the Tune thing after work, If I get that to work then I can at least compare the picture from AV and Decoder and see if both are composite or if the image I get in the AV-port is actually rgb, right?

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david656 replied on Thu, Nov 18 2021 12:31 PM


Does the above help? looks to me like they are RGB

Bristol based B&O fan with a collection including the following: BC9500, Beogram 9500, Beosystem 3, BeoVision Avant DVD 32, AV9000, Beolab 3500, Beolab 3000s, Beolab 4s, Beolab 6000s, Beovox Pentas, Beovox 3000s.

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Zogun replied on Thu, Nov 18 2021 9:04 PM

I did manage to get a black and white picture in the V.TAPE port when using the "Tune" menu. No luck in the Decoder port so far, I can't seem to find any way to set decoder to ON.

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