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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BeoVision 12 Demo

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Top 150 Contributor
Vienna, Austria
Posts 663
Bronze Member
hfat Posted: Sun, Mar 18 2012 1:56 PM

Yesterday I visted a iterior design fair. B&O wasn't present at the fair, so I did'nt expect to see new B&O Products. All of a sudden, on a wall of a displayed living room, there was a BeoVision 12 with a pair of BeoLab 12.

It all happended at the booth of a local well known interior designer, who had a cooperation with a B&O dealer, who demoed the BV12. I have to admit the picture was really impressive, but the center speaker was a little bit disappointing. Probably the backgound noise was too heavy, but it seems the soiund of the BV10 builtin center speaker is more present then the one of the BV12.

Mayby BV10 is designed to be used as stand alone TV whereaqs BV12 is designed to be used with other speakers.

BTW: On the table in displayed the living room, there was a BeoLit12. Today the BeoLit 12 is on the table in my living room (as i type those lines).


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