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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


MC120.2 (vs. s80 and maybe RL60) and known issues

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Top 500 Contributor
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BeoLignage Posted: Wed, Mar 6 2013 5:48 PM


just a quick one...

I have found in the forum that MC120.2 do suffer from foam root, does that mean that they do not suffer from lose magnets? haven't seen a single post about a speaker with both issues.


how do the MC120.2 compare to the S55 and S80 in the same family, I noticed that they have smaller phase link driver than the smaller speakers and also that they are not as wide but deeper.

the MC120 and s120 are together with the S45.2 mentioned as good speakers, is several threads here on the forum. The RL range on the other hand is almost never mentioned.

how would you describe the sound of a RL60.2 (I stop at asking regarding the 60 size, because it's the largest I expect the FS to support

thanks in advance

BR //Goran


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beaker replied on Wed, Mar 6 2013 7:27 PM

The S120's and MC120's are superb speakers. They do suffer from foam rot as do the S80's. The S80's are again very good speakers. Ive had both and at normal volumes there wasnt much difference but the S120's could put out a bit more bass. If you do get a pair of either I would recommend changing the capacitors on the cross overs. Not a hard job even for a total amateur with a soldering iron! It really does make them sound like new again.

The RL60.2's are nice speakers. No foam rot on these. Avoid the earlier RL60's as they do suffer from rot on the ABL and its not easy to fix. Again a cap change and you will have a very nice sounding pair of speakers.  Placement of the RL's is very imporant for sound. Put them on the floor and you have lots more bass than if there on stands.

Basically to avoid foam rot get the RL's and what ever you choose do a capacitor change. Personally I would go for the S120's but I like the older stuff. RL60's hanging on ceiling poles do look stunning though!

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thanks for your reply Beaker,

so no lose magnets on the 120's(?)

I've never listened to a pair of s120 or MC120.2 but would expect a great improvement to my CX100... regarding the RL60's, I've listened to them at my onkle's place some 10 years ago and found them realy light on bass, even lighter than beolab6000, and they were sitting on low moundted wall mounts. It just hit me now that they might not have been in good shape, maybe with foam rot.

thanks for the tip regarding recap, I will manage it. 

Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Wed, Mar 6 2013 9:34 PM

S120s are lovely speakers but still bass light compared to the big speakers. I never found RL60.2s bass light - a bit the opposite!! If you have a big room, seriously look for MS150s - extended bass and lots of detail.


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...compared to the big speakers...

Surprise I looked at the 120's as big speakers... The MS150s are beautifull but I don't have the room to fit them, nor have I seen a pair for sale any where near by.

I guess it is out of the question to use a cona in combination with this type of Hi-Fi  speaker? to keep the stereo picture accurate


lose magnets on 120? or any thing else to look out for?



Top 10 Contributor
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Peter replied on Wed, Mar 6 2013 10:24 PM

I don't think a Cona will add much at all.


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Dillen replied on Thu, Mar 7 2013 9:39 AM

No lose magnets in this series.
So far...


Top 500 Contributor
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BeoLignage replied on Mon, Mar 11 2013 10:19 AM

Super Angry I missed the opportunity...

I passed oslo in other business on Saturday but someone beat me to it and picked the MC120.2's up on Friday.

condition as new at their original owner and never put in storage, for a really good price, thou without stands...

I really wanted to try them out, although the RL’s match my interior better. Will have to look for RL60X instead, I guess the RL6000 are as good as the RL60.2 regarding foam rot, and sound as well. correct?

Thanks for your answers and guidance

Cheers /Goran



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