ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hope someone can help me in this matter.
I have the following combination:
Beomaster 7000 - Beogram CD 7000 - Beogram 4002 - Beo4 (as well as Beolink 1000)
With the Beolink 1000 I can activate the Beogram 4002 with the "Phono" button. So far so good. But how can I activate the Beogram 4002 with the Beo4??? I have tried to program the Beo4 by reading the instructions for the unit but I simply cannot understand the manual in this part. I cannot find the function "Phone" when scrolling through all the functions under "Add". I can also not understand how to activate the functions I have chosen under "Add". Another question: is it at all possible to influence "treble" and "bass" on the Beomaster 7000 via the Beo4?
I understand that the Beolink 7000 would be the solution to all this but I simply do not like the Beolink 7000, too big and expensive if it at all can activate the Beogram 4002?
Would appreciate any comment that could guide me through these questions.
Albert, Stockholm
If the Beo4 is quite new you will have to add N.RADIO rather than PHONO - the IR codes are the same.
Pressing LIST then N.RADIO should activate the Beogram.
Edit: It was explained in this thread also!
I am not sure about the TREBLE and BASS but I think you have to add SOUND to the list button.