ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi guys,
Is there a way to reset a BeoLine (new model)? I have bought a used BeoCom 2 with the BeoLine and it has a pin code protection. Sadly the former owner does not remember the code for it
Best regards,
BeoVision Eclipse 55, BeoPlay S8 (sub+rears), BeoPlay A9 MKII (living room), BeoVision Avant 32 DVD (retro gaming, basement), BeoLab 4000 (entertainment room, basement), BeoSound 8 (workshop), 2x BeoPlay S3 (PC), BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay H2/H3 (on the go)
You say new Beoline model, but what is the four (4) digit type number of both the Beoline and the Beocom 2 ?
Regards Keith....
Hi Keith,
I cannot see the type number on the label on the back side of the BeoLine.But is of this kind:
These are the numbers on the label: 1113070 DK, Serial 20 17 1782
BeoCom 2 serial: 21210659
Based on your picture and information, you have a Beoline EU Mark 2 introduced by B&O in 2006
Apparently, there is no actual reset command, rather a off/on procedure as below:-
I have never actually tried this procedure, but it was previously supplied by B&O
Thank you for the quick reply. Sadly I had no luck using this method. Still asks for the pin