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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosound Encore proble,

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This post has 13 Replies | 2 Followers

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Obiplay Posted: Sun, Feb 2 2014 5:21 PM

I just bought an Encore since i didn't have a NAS initially I've been using a flash drive and an iPod nano to play music through the USB drive in FLAC (flash drive) format with everything working fine including album art work in full resolution.

I just got a WD my Cloud NAS and hooked it up to the system. The Encore recognizes it and plays the music BUT the album artwork is of low resolution. Now these are the same FLAC files with artwork embedded on the flash drive.

ANY solutions?!?1 the only thing i can think of is that the speed of the connection may be limiting it, but its such a small part of the flac file, it baffles me!!!

Any help would be appreciated.

Beovision 7-55 Bluray, Beolab 9 (white), Beosound Encore, Beolab 4000, Beosound 9000 (White special Edition), Beo4, A9 Keyring

Barry Santini
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Use media monkey or MP3 tag to discover if you have multiple embedded cover files. Delete the low res ones. Very common.
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Obiplay replied on Sun, Feb 2 2014 11:18 PM

Hey Barry, Long time. I still have that LC1 u sold me years ago. still works. But like i said it shows full resolution on a flash drive connected to the encore but low res with the same file on a nas. i encoded the files separately and made sure it was a hi res cover.  but ill try ur suggestion

Beovision 7-55 Bluray, Beolab 9 (white), Beosound Encore, Beolab 4000, Beosound 9000 (White special Edition), Beo4, A9 Keyring

Barry Santini
Top 150 Contributor
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Hey Barry, Long time. I still have that LC1 u sold me years ago. still works. But like i said it shows full resolution on a flash drive connected to the encore but low res with the same file on a nas. i encoded the files separately and made sure it was a hi res cover. but ill try ur suggestion


Remember. Let us know.

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Obiplay replied on Mon, Feb 3 2014 3:30 AM

Still poor resolution. Any other ideas??!

Do u have an encore and if so, what NAS are you using? I have a feeling this might be the problem.

I tried using the online twonky server to feed my music on my mac to the encore again again the album covers didn't display correctly

Beovision 7-55 Bluray, Beolab 9 (white), Beosound Encore, Beolab 4000, Beosound 9000 (White special Edition), Beo4, A9 Keyring

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BeoMotion replied on Mon, Feb 3 2014 11:12 AM


please make sure that there is a Twonky DLNA server (at least version 6.0.33 and newer) running on your WD.

Some NAS manufacturers use other media servers. For most DLNA clients this will be okay, too.
But with BS5/BS5e the cover resolution will be bad since only Twonky seems to know which cover-resolution it has to serve to a B&O client. 



- BeoMotion



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Obiplay replied on Tue, Feb 4 2014 11:42 AM

The myCloud has twonky (latest) version. Still no success!!!


Beovision 7-55 Bluray, Beolab 9 (white), Beosound Encore, Beolab 4000, Beosound 9000 (White special Edition), Beo4, A9 Keyring

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Flensborg, Denmark
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Been to the settings?

Sometimes you'll have to 'check a box' to get servers to send highres coverart instead of generating a thumb-sized one.


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Obiplay replied on Tue, Feb 4 2014 3:47 PM

check a box?!?!!

thats too vague a response. Ill need more than that

Beovision 7-55 Bluray, Beolab 9 (white), Beosound Encore, Beolab 4000, Beosound 9000 (White special Edition), Beo4, A9 Keyring

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Obiplay replied on Tue, Feb 4 2014 3:47 PM

check a box?!?!!

thats too vague a response. Ill need more than that

Beovision 7-55 Bluray, Beolab 9 (white), Beosound Encore, Beolab 4000, Beosound 9000 (White special Edition), Beo4, A9 Keyring

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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That - my friend - was surely not an 'answer' - it was a 'hint'.

I bet you can google that as fast as I can!

I know your system (which Twonky, is the Twonky a full version etc) to little to provide you with the 'answer'.

And by the way, you asked for 'any ideas'....


P.S. 'check a box' means enable/disable a function in a menu!



There is a tv - and there is a BV

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Did you try to place the cover as a jpg in the correct folder.


i have the covers as folder.jg in the folder of the audio files. I use twonky media on a qnap nas and I have no issues with my encore.


perhaps the embedded cover is not working?

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Did you try to place the cover as a jpg in the correct folder.


i have the covers as folder.jg in the folder of the audio files. I use twonky media on a qnap nas and I have no issues with my encore.


perhaps the embedded cover is not working?

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Did you try to place the cover as a jpg in the correct folder.


i have the covers as folder.jg in the folder of the audio files. I use twonky media on a qnap nas and I have no issues with my encore.


perhaps the embedded cover is not working?

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