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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 8002 Speed Regulation Issue

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San Francisco
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Bronze Member

Hello!  I'm a new user to the forum -- tried searching for a post with similar issue but most others seem related to the tacho disk, so apologies if this is a common question thread on here:

Couple things I wanted to run by the experts:

1.  The tonearm no longer detects a record on the platter; it just lays the needle down at the edge of the platter even if no record is present (rude awakening when one of my friends decided to play with it!)  I'm guessing the sensor is dead.


2. The electronic speed control works for 33 RPM, but when you select 45,  is jumps to 55.11rpm.  Using the +/- keys only moves the speed slightly down to 53.11 or just repeats some step intervals around 55-56rpm.  I suspect some cap needs changing, but just curious if anyone else has seen this before.





Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
Posts 13,191
Dillen replied on Sun, Sep 1 2013 7:18 AM

Welcome to Beoworld !

Here we have one more typical example of a Beogram in need of a capacitor kit and a check for cracked
solder joints.
The 55.11 readout tells me that you should be looking at bit 1 from the processor to the BCD decoder, the
solder joint on the CPU socket has cracked.
Don't touch any sensors etc. before replacing the caps.


Not Ranked
San Francisco
Posts 2
Bronze Member

Thanks for the info!

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