ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Can anyone tell me how to use the Beovision 10-40 with its own speakers and rear speakers (beolab 4000`s)? The menu seems to require front speakers selected and recognised before highlighting a rear speaker choice... Paul
I don't own a BV10 but assuming BV's operate in a similar way:
on your BEO4, 'speaker' 5 should do it, assuming that they are connected to the 'rear speakers' connections.
As a Gold member, you can look up on the main site, products section the user manual.
It seems to be the problem that Paul can't configure the rears before the fronts are configurated (therefore Speaker 5 won't help).
How about choosing 'some' speakers in the menu (knowing that they are not connected), and then chooce your BL4000 as rears.
After that you would have to choose Speaker 5 as default for video (and Speaker 4 as default for audio).
That would make the BV10 speakers into a center channel, though.
(Or simply configure the BL4000 as frontspeakers although they are located in the back.
That would be 'video/default 3' and 'audio/default 2' - or as you please.
I must admit that it seems a bit odd wanting to have 'the fronts' behind you ).
There is a tv - and there is a BV
Well - MartinW might be right on that!
I never tried it - that configuration doesn't really make sense, imo.
Had the same issue with bv5 and setting bl6000 , as stated had to set them as front but have them at the rear and set spkr3 when using audio thru bs3000, not the best but until I can make my wife see that we need a set of 8000's at the front it will do :-)
Beovision 7 40 mk 5 ,beovision 6x3, beosound 3000, beogram 3300 , 2 x lc2, 2 x beocom 1401, beocom 6000 x 2, 5 x beo4,
, 4 x beolab 4's, form 2, h2, a2,a1 and a beolab 2 😀😀
thanks for all the comments - the answer is as suggested, plug rear into the front output and either have tv speakers or external speakers, slightly dull.
Further on to that I have selected speaker 3 for both video and audio options to get the tv speakers and the BL4000`s together - happy with that!