ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Raeuber:For sure!
Or the Avantissimo.
There is a tv - and there is a BV
The remote already has one
Why do people chase specific technologies instead of specific end results, like a good picture? I don't care whether it is plasma, LCD, OLED, or whatever comes after OLED.
vlohjr1:Do you think we could see this next year?
For sure not with a Samsung panel! link
Maybe OLED has the same future as plasma...
DoubleU:For sure not with a Samsung panel! link
Raeuber: DoubleU: For sure not with a Samsung panel! link It would be not the worst idea to use a panel from another brand. Just because a panel from a cheap brand doesn't really fit with a highend television. Greets Räuber
DoubleU: For sure not with a Samsung panel! link
It would be not the worst idea to use a panel from another brand. Just because a panel from a cheap brand doesn't really fit with a highend television.
The drive should be to use the best panels available, as I believe they have done to date.
Sometimes the snobbishness exhibited on this forum makes me despair!!!
Ban boring signatures!
Why would anyone think, that (in Struer) they would pick a 'minor' panel for any BeoVision?
All the guys are using these tv's in their homes in their off time - it would be stupid, eh!
Millemissen:Why would anyone think, that (in Struer) they would pick a 'minor' panel for any BeoVision? All the guys are using these tv's in their homes in their off time - it would be stupid, eh! MM There is a tv - and there is a BV.
tournedos: The remote already has one Why do people chase specific technologies instead of specific end results, like a good picture? I don't care whether it is plasma, LCD, OLED, or whatever comes after OLED.
Yeah, that. I think too many people read and believe too much of the tech marketing hype. Traditionally B&O has not advertised what tech is under the skin, and has advertised in design rather than stereo mags, and I think there's a lot to be said for that approach. Worry about the experience, not what tech is used to give it to you. Do you like the way it looks? Sounds? If so, who cares what's under the skin? But a lot of manufacturers will try and differentiate themselves from others by tech terms. In the old days in the US, Chrysler had Ricardo Montalbon going on about how only Chrysler had Corinthian leather seats. People would go in to another car maker and turn their noses up because they didn't have Corinthian leather. Surprise, there's no such thing as Corinthian leather, it was a marketing term applied to leather from the same sources the other makers used, but it was an effective marketing strategy.
And sadly too many consumers suffer from peer pressure, hey, if I can't brag to my buddy that it has whatever is the hot buzzword how will I get street cred?
I mean, the Avant is just out and people already want OLED? From what I can tell I haven't yet seen a good, believable number for the longevity of OLED panels before they start to degrade. I prefer plasma, but that's because to date I've never seen a LCD as good as the best plasmas. They are very close for the expensive panels, but ultimately I made my decision based on how it looks not what tech it was. Every time I shopped for a new TV plasmas were always the winners. Since they're going away I will eventually have to choose whatever's best out of what's available. And I don't care if it's LCD, OLED, or whatever unobtainium is on the horizon.
I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
Last year samsung sold only 4400 oled televisions in the USA!