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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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Beolab 12 Project

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BeoHut replied on Mon, Jun 25 2012 10:04 PM
You need at least powerlinkcable mk3/mkIII. Especially with ice speakers, otherwise you will probably hear a hum.

Tip: bring your musictrack with u on a usb/sd-card/cd/iphone etc. Just to test at your dealers place and ask to play for a little moment on a high volume.

I'm also curious how this goes on.

And perhaps, there is a falt in the speakers. I cannot image this, but you will never know.

Succes tomorrow!
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Seanie_230 replied on Mon, Jun 25 2012 11:03 PM

Hi there

I just changed them from Corner to Wall as they are in alcoves and close to the corners, this has reduced the bass and allows higher volume but now with less bass and punch, I did not get an orange light as its to late to whack them up but the speakers start to vibrate of the wall a high volume, I will know more tomorrow lunch time.

I just read your post Paul and I think I agree with you that they are excellent for Adel, dire states etc but when it comes to dance music they fail.


Eclipse 65
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BeoHut replied on Mon, Jun 25 2012 11:20 PM

Just try also a demo at the dealer with a sub. This will give more body to the sound. Perhaps just enough for your dancemusic. Play with the settings. Everything neutral should be ok. Just test what you like. 

I've also set my speakers to 'wall'. 

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expoman replied on Tue, Jun 26 2012 12:10 AM


I only needed one as I already had a cat 6 sheilded cable. I will go to the shop tomorrow and try and borrow a cable and see if it makes a difference from the beovision and then from the beocenter with 2x powerlink/rj45 cables


If you used CAT 6 cables those are not the same as B&O CAT 7 wires.  In CAT 6 only the whole cable is shielded.   In CAT 7 each one of the individual eight wires is shielded.   This is a big difference.  You will get hum from CAT 6 with cross talk between the the right and left positive wires.


Paul W
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Paul W replied on Tue, Jun 26 2012 12:13 AM

Hi Seanie,

I do hope that you get everything sorted. WOW your house sounds like an awesome party house - my Crowd is so gatecrashing the next party ;)

I know that this is totally a different system and price BUT I had that problem with my B&O Century. Classical, jazz even RNB pretty good but oh my gosh, the minute I played my favourite dance music - just so dead, flat, uninviting to the point were I couldnt listen to damce music on it. I have a 10 speaker Harmon Kardon in my MINI Cooper and that is incredible for dance music so bright, bassy and maximum volume - zero distortion - MINI have certainly thought this one out.

I am so happy to say though that the other week I played some drum n bass music from my iPhone 4S (256AAC KBPS iTUNES FILE) and both the BeoLit 12 and BS8 did a great job of the music - no vibrating cabinets and plenty of bass and clear trebles from both with the BS8 being better BUT the BeoLit 12 still very very good!!!  Call me a non purist but I really really cant stand a flat sound for my music, I do have to crank up the bass and treble - just personal choice I guess!

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Hi All

After lunch update.


So last night i looked behind my speakers and changed the setting from corner (which according to the ref book it is) to wall

now they go much louder, i play Nikki Manni and once did the protection cut in when it was the reallt Bass part.

So my lunch time experment was a suscess so far. i am going to change the cat6 cable for B&o cat7 at 6pm as my local dealer is going to drop one off for me :)

I def think they need a lab 11 in the future but at least for today i am feeling a little better.

One thing i cannot understand, turning the switch to wall im sure reduced the bass but i have always been told that corner has the least bass???


Anyone ???

Eclipse 65
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CasperI replied on Tue, Jun 26 2012 2:30 PM

The "Wall" setting has more bass than the "Corner" setting.  "Free" on other BeoLabs have maximum bass, because there is no walls that the bass can couple to.

Walls amplify the sound (bass). In a corner you will have maximum bass boost from the walls and therefore the sound circuit turns the bass down to compensate. 

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BeoHut replied on Tue, Jun 26 2012 7:09 PM
Hi Seanie,

Today I downloaded the tracks you mentioned (high quality) and played them on my speakers.

With and without the BL11.

I cranked up the volume very high and there was no clipping. No orange led at all. Perhaps you play louder, but this was very loud for me.

With the BL11 the music was louder and deeper. Just try to adjust your BL11 to the BL12-3.

I was always told and understood that a wall setting will give more bass than a corner setting of the speakers. This was confirmed by playing with these settings. The speakers play louder when set to wall.

Perhaps it are the reflections of your walls/room which causes the clipping. For really bass you probably need the BL2, but this one is not as tight as the BL11, due to the passive radiators on the BL2.

Just try, when you need it, a demo at your house with the 2 subs.

I'm pleased to read that, after lunch, you are much happier with your speakers.

Perhaps the cat7 cable will give some improvement.

Let us know how your results are till now.

Succes with your setup!

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Hi there

Thanks for your superb effort beofan53.

I came home today and listened to even more music, now they are set to wall there is no orange light which is a massive improvement and they volume is there now.

They do have a excellent volume but for me the sound is painful, when turned up the a acoustic lense is far to high for me, I had the same issue when I bought my lab 9's and pots etc etc.

Then bass is good until the volume is up and then they sort of vibrate the wall and the sound is odd.

I have a few more days to listen and agonise over it all.

I think I must have been driving them to hard in corner mode to compensate for the lack of bass originally.

The are absolutely the best looking speaker and look perfect on the wall. The question is would I want to purchase a lab 11 and can I stand the high notes.

I would like to just say thank you so much as you have helped me no end.

Now it's choice time

Eclipse 65
Beosound M5
Essence MK2

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BeoHut replied on Tue, Jun 26 2012 7:48 PM

Just to make sure that you mount the speakers solid to the mount on the wall

Use a long torx screwdriver to fasten the speakers on the wallmount. Screw the four screes fast. Very important. This reduces vibrating of the speakers when playing at high volume.

Now just play with some musicsettings.

I also got used to the alt- speakers now. In the beginning they sounded harsh, but know very detailed.

Take your time for your choice.

The speakers look awesome on your walls in the musicroom. It 's really an eyecatcher!


Chris Townsend
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Close encounters of the third kind on blu ray. 10-46 with a Beolab 11. Perfect combo

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

Chris Townsend
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I put this in the film section :-//

Anyway hope it all works out

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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Hi all

So the lab 12's went back today sadly and I had some B&W CM9's hooked up to my 9300 and wow the difference is huge.

The bass is perfect for the room and treble not to much for my ears.

As it was during the day I turned them up and they did not disappoint, to be honest the I put on Ushers new song and the bass kicked in and the 9300 turned itself down which I did not know that older B&o even did that.

So all ends well, I will run them from my 9300 for now and if I need more power I'll get a rotel amp to run them and use 1 powerlink to connect to the amp's input and the other for the 5 volt output with a 5 to 12 volt inverter to switch them amp on and off meaning I never have to see it.

Thanks to all who helped me with this, it's a shame but the room was intended for parties so needs more power.

Now to fill the holes in the walls and decide if I need an amp.


Eclipse 65
Beosound M5
Essence MK2

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BeoHut replied on Mon, Jul 2 2012 11:09 PM
Hi Seanie,

Glad to read that you could swapped the speakers. A nice gesture from your dealer.

The CM9's are really great speakers, but they need a decent amp.

Enjoy your new speakers! They will look and sound great in your music room!

Let's party! Enjoy it!

Post a pic of your new music room!
Paul W
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Paul W replied on Mon, Jul 2 2012 11:28 PM

Oh yeah Seanie!

Let's party dude!

Chris Townsend
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I saw the Beolab 12-2 in Newcastle today, and for a kitchen/study it would be fantastic. If anyone is in passing in the north east, the shop there is fantastic with a cinema type room and kitchen underneath!

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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I will update this thread in a week i am waiting for a cabinet to put my 9300 on and the speakers take a few days to arrive.
i was really lucky with my dealer that they are so customer focused.

i do need a seperate amp but for the time being i think i will use the 9300 as it does limit me from goign to high but i def need an amp as i dont want the 9300 working to hard after all she is old :)


Eclipse 65
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moxxey replied on Tue, Jul 3 2012 1:38 PM

Seanie, just got back from my dealer who has a 12-2 on display. Disappointed isn't the best description. Lacking, is. We played the same track on the BL 12-2's and they sounded very mid-range. On the BL9s, much more open, dynamic and really full, much wider sound.

I've now ruled out the BL12s completely. Granted the dealer had them on a partition mount/wall and they were better when switched to corner (rather than wall), but even so, still not good at all. No way near my the level of my BL3s.

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Hi there yeah i agree they look so nice but have no real power behnid them, sure they are loud but loud is not everything.

Alot happier now apart from havnig to think and look at speaker cables as i have to think about these things now.

Amazing how many choices you have complared to the simplicity of powerlink


Eclipse 65
Beosound M5
Essence MK2

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Hi All

New problem.

So I have some Qed silver anniversary speaker cables with banana plugs on the speaker end and until I'm ready to buy a seperate amp. Problem has arisen the cable is to thick to fit into the screw connectors of the 2 pin din.


Does anyone know if I can buy the 2 pin din that can be soldered or take larger cables.

Thanks all

Eclipse 65
Beosound M5
Essence MK2

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BeoHut replied on Tue, Jul 3 2012 10:07 PM

On a dutch website I found some DIN-plugs.

Take a look at:

Very fast delivery.
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Hi there.

 I think I have found some, a local shop has them and the user questions says what cable size will they take and it says aprox 4mm where as the ones I have are aprox 2.2mm.

I will try them tomorrow.

I am going to trial a rotel amp that uses banana plugs but for now the beocenter will do the horsepower.

The rotel rb1562 is class d and does not produce heat so it can go in the cabinet below and remain the secret amp supplying the speakers :)

Eclipse 65
Beosound M5
Essence MK2

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John replied on Wed, Jul 4 2012 5:43 AM


Hi there.

 I think I have found some, a local shop has them and the user questions says what cable size will they take and it says aprox 4mm where as the ones I have are aprox 2.2mm.

I will try them tomorrow.

I am going to trial a rotel amp that uses banana plugs but for now the beocenter will do the horsepower.

The rotel rb1562 is class d and does not produce heat so it can go in the cabinet below and remain the secret amp supplying the speakers :)

Hi Seanie

The Rotels are very good, having auditioned them extensively.

The irony though, and the reason I went out of my way to hear them, is that they use B&O ICE power modules..... hence Class D.

The B&W CM9's are also very nice, and probably my most likely personal choice should I have decided to not go with B&O speakers, but rather pursue some new passive speakers to put with my current ES Sony TADA9000ES amp - also Class D, but pure digital rather than analogue Class D - and replace my current Naim SBL's.

Fantastic midrange with that FST proprietary midrange unit, albeit whilst nice and tight, and well integrated, I did think the bass quality a bit 'wooden' in that it seemed to be coming from a wooden box, and lacked the last word in pitch accuracy.

It'll be very interesting to hear if you do an A/B between them and the Lab 9's - something that's not possible for me to do, but having heard them both, my moneys on the Lab 9's, notwithstanding the CM9's are a very nice speaker.

Let's know how it all pans out for you

Kind Regards

John... Cool


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Hi all, so after some busy days buying cales, banana plugs and investigating triggers (all the stuff you don't think about with powerlink) I now have my cm9,s connected via half decent cable with banana plugs and running from the 9300. I have learnt that the 9300 cannot power these as they demand to much so I bought a rotel RB1572 D class amp @ 250watts per channel.

I have ordered some powerlink to RCA cables from Steve at sounds heavenly and then read the rotel manual which says it accepts a trigger of 3 to 30 volts ad or dc.

So I ordered a bespoke cable from Steve so the powerlink 5v signal will switch the amp on and off.

Funny thing is the class d amp uses b and o technology :)

So now I have holes in the wall, half a floor and my stereo on a horrid chair but I thought I would give you a peek before I finish 


Eclipse 65
Beosound M5
Essence MK2

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I have ordered some powerlink to RCA cables from Steve at sounds heavenly and then read the rotel manual which says it accepts a trigger of 3 to 30 volts ad or dc.

That was a lot easier than getting a 12V trigger signal out of Powerlink then Smile

I admire your persistence - hope the end result will be finally satisfactory!


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If anything I am persistent I have built walls put down flooring and spent a fortune for these an 12's :)

I hope to god that the cm9's deliver when connected to a amp, I keep hearing that they sound excellent with an amp is used, they sound excellent with the beocenter but as I say it turns itself down when using the internal amps, I hope the powerlink output will not do that as the rotel has a protection module built in.

Funny thing is a seperate amp, cables, connectors and speakers end up costing the same amount as b and o speakers with everything built in, well almost with the spare I bought a new shed, some plaster, and a shed base.

Eclipse 65
Beosound M5
Essence MK2

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sat, Jul 7 2012 4:25 PM

Seanie those speakers look awesome. Proper party room drivers. B&O stuff is really elegant but I really cannot imagine using them at parties! Definitely happier playing Radio 2 which is really uncool im affraid ;)

I was going to suggest using one of the new Pioneer amps with Airplay built in, but since youve made your purchase already...

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Yeah just got back from the shop with my cables all made up after pulling back out of the floor again, all banana plugged and ready to put back under the floor for full bi-wire from the rotel to the b and w's

The beocenter has everything connected now just waiting for the amp to arrive on Monday and my mum to come visit with my cabinet.

the beoplay a8 is really cool I saw it working in the shop.

I have turned the treble down a little other 9300 as the cm9's are quite bright in the high end but at least they don't give me a headache :)


Eclipse 65
Beosound M5
Essence MK2

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sat, Jul 7 2012 8:53 PM

WOW it all sounds great! Loving the look of the speakers!

Yes the A8 is really nice isn't it Seanie, love the orange & yellow speaker covers - absolutely idea for my apartment!

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