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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Bang & Olufsen CREATE

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This post has 82 Replies | 11 Followers

Top 50 Contributor
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Evan replied on Mon, Mar 25 2019 11:59 AM

Have made a little progress yesterday. Started building my own DSP profile for the BeoCreate module and have been successfully able to compile, and write to the ADAU1451 eeprom over the air. 

My iPhone X is connecting as well. But now shows "iPhone --> BeoCreate" at the bottom of the music app instead of just "BeoCreate" as it did when I first began this project.

However, a new issue has surfaced. After I begin to play a track on my iPhone, no music comes out. Occasionally, the unit will play a small amount of music (we are talking less than a second here) after re-uploading the DSP profile. More strange are full volume noise blasts and squeaks that come after making small tweaks or even just play/pause/next when the system is in use/running.

Beo4 'til I die!

Top 50 Contributor
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Evan replied on Mon, Mar 23 2020 10:06 AM

Well, after almost a year has passed according to my last post, I have resumed this project. With the virus keeping me indoors all the time, I figured it might be a good time to finally at least get the hardware together so I can focus on the software and tuning topic later on with a more robust hardware module.

Here is the assembly view so far.. I have an old HDR2 that I gutted and am slowly integrating the Rpi, BC4CA and the power supply (that will be unpacked). Going to add a breadboard as well so I can play around with some other details in the future.

Parts are flowing in from Amazon almost daily so maybe I can knock this out rapidly!

Beo4 'til I die!

Top 25 Contributor
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beocool replied on Tue, Mar 24 2020 9:06 AM

Good to see you're resuming this project. Looking forward to the process Smile


Vähintään yhdeksänkymmentä prosenttia suomalainen! 

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