ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Gizze, don't try to argument with Moxxey about what is important, I think we all agree that we have to have a "coherent" ensemble from source to speakers, the speakers being the area where you have to spend the more money!
I also think that the AE outputs a "restricted" sound compared to Sonos or B&O stuff : more bass, less depth, less "air" between instruments, less clarity.
Moxxey spent posts to say that source isn't important on an other thread, and that I was crazy to buy 24-bit songs because the difference with CD-quality files "can't not be heard on my BL3s, without even trying to listen to any of those files, because "airport express is better"... And on an other thread, I found him saying that Blu Rays have far better audio than DVDs and are worth buying for that reason... And what is one of the main difference between BD and DVD??? They have 24-bit audio!!!
I just think that some things like DAC, 24bit or compressed/lossless audio files are just things that are still a bit new/complicated for some...
So the conclusion is : don't listen to somebody saying something about sound quality, just listen to your setup, and if it's fine for you, then why bother?
Some of the guys are so bitchy to each other on this site!
I think the conclusion is - if you like it and it appeals to you, then buy it! If it turns out to be a load of unperforming rubbish, then return it and don't buy into that brand again! Quite logical really.
It's nice to post on forums but in the end, use your own judgement and don't let other tastes sway you!
I've never listened to anyone - much to the annoyance of my friends ;)
Thanks for the heads up, I'm new to this forum and not yet worked out who talk twaddle.
And I agree, don't have to spend fortunes to get good, squeezebox touch is a good example, but the AE is pants using the analogue out.
Double post.
This forums server does seem a bit rubbish. Quick reply seems to stall, then you refresh and it has not posted so you post again and it then up twice. Very strange.
beautiful pics with my compliments. I too have bought a PM. Couple of comments:
Set up is reasonably easy. Dropout issues seems to have been resolved by reinstalling ios utility app and rebooting PM.
Signal strength is weak for me but then i run ethernet through powerline adapters which is not an issue.
Sound quality is much better than my Sonos ZP90. Very B&O.
Build quality similar to Sonos. I dont see a need for more aluminium. Functional and clean look.
Main disadvantage:
Sonos interface wins handsdown. A true multiroom system which can be controlled by any devices to anyroom. I cant with BO PM unless somebody corrects me otherwise.
I woudl be grateful if somebody can recommend a decent dlna app for ios devices to control PM
Does anybody know how to change sound settings on PM through computer or Beo4?
vlohjr1: KMA, beautiful pics with my compliments. I too have bought a PM. Couple of comments: Set up is reasonably easy. Dropout issues seems to have been resolved by reinstalling ios utility app and rebooting PM. Signal strength is weak for me but then i run ethernet through powerline adapters which is not an issue. Sound quality is much better than my Sonos ZP90. Very B&O. Build quality similar to Sonos. I dont see a need for more aluminium. Functional and clean look. Main disadvantage: Sonos interface wins handsdown. A true multiroom system which can be controlled by any devices to anyroom. I cant with BO PM unless somebody corrects me otherwise. I woudl be grateful if somebody can recommend a decent dlna app for ios devices to control PM Does anybody know how to change sound settings on PM through computer or Beo4? thanks Vince
Thanks for the compliments, Vince,
I haven't owned a Beo4 in a few years (been using Beo5), but you should find the A.Setup function from Beo4, click it, and then you can adjust BASS, TREBLE and LOUDNESS. Maybe this is mentioned in the Beo4 User Guide available at B&O's website? Be careful though, as there is no read-out of the values, so each click up or down affects the sound, so keep "click count" :)
As for dropouts: I haven't experienced any dropouts, and I am using only one Airport Express as the wireless hub for everything in my apartment. The AE is placed quite optimally in the living-room though, but hidden in a cabinet. Yet the signal strength is "Excellent" for PlayMaker and "Good" for BeoPlay A8, which is in another room.
B&O product history since 1991: Ridiculously long to list in a signature.
vlohjr1:Does anybody have issues with pm dropping off from their devices my iPhone keep losing pm when it is on standby? Thanks Vince
I do. What kind of setup do you have otherwise? This sounds like a network issue. I'm having Aplle Time Capsule (1gen) as the Wifi router.
Line in seems to be working fine, but Airplay only occasionally.
Have your resolved the issue already?