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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022



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Flensborg, Denmark
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Perfect rear speakers for the BL90 owners  Stick out tongue


There is a tv - and there is a BV

Top 10 Contributor
Flensborg, Denmark
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....for the BL90 owners (of course).

Sorry ;-(


There is a tv - and there is a BV

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Eastbourne, UK
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9 LEE replied on Thu, Jul 13 2017 9:05 PM

Lee did say they were little brothers to the BL90 rather than big brothers to the BL5. So hopefully that is exactly what you are looking for @Seethroughyou.

No, they have a completely different look to the BL90. I was talking more about the sound!

I've heard these, I've seen these, and I've inspected these.  They are not what you'll expect - and you may even see them as a little bit 'traditional' in their design (by B&O standards, anyway) - but... they really are brilliant speakers. I'm a bit negative about B&O at present as I'm getting a pretty flat feeling about the range - but the BeoLab 50 (pointless even denying that's the name any more, B&O sue me..) is absolutely superb.

You'll hear these, and for once you'll think "yeah - it's a huge amount of money, but they're actually, really, worth that"

As mentioned, if i had the spare cash - and the time and space to listen to them properly, it'd be a no-brainer. My money would be spent.




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olvisab replied on Thu, Jul 13 2017 10:22 PM

I have heard the bl 90 and frankly I didn't feel at all it was a really step above the bl5 for the highs and mediums. It was equal to the bl5 

So I am absolutely not surprised they keep the acoustic lens. They have probably spend their money on other improvements that normal peope can easily hear. 

Lee says they are the little brother of the bl90, I rather think they search a way to improve the bl5

I am sure that if you love and know perfectly the bl5, you will fall in love with the bl50. I don't think so for the bl90.




4 beolab 5,  beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2,  2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...

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Olvisab, how can the BL50 be a step up from the BL5 but the BL90 not a step up?

Doesn't make sense to me...




Present: BL90, Core, BL6000, CD7000, Beogram 7000, Essence Remote.

Past: BL1, BL2, BL8000, BS9000, BL5, BC2, BS5, BV5, BV4-50, Beosystem 3, BL3, DVD1, Beoremote 4, Moment.


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olvisab replied on Fri, Jul 14 2017 10:56 AM

for the highs and medium, for normal use (style of music and volume), that's what I noticed from the bl90.

that doesn't mean they are not superior of the bl5 for the rest.

Considering their price, It was disappointing for me.

If we have the bl5 in mind, the impression left by the new bl50 should be better. Their "reasonable" price won't be an handicap and will help bl5 owners making the jump.

That doesn't mean there will be plenty of used bl5 as their design is and will stay everlasting. I won't sell them for paying the bl50.



4 beolab 5,  beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2,  2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...

Chris Townsend
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Of course the 50s will sound better. They have a decades worth of technological advancement, but more importantly Geoff's DNA and expertise.

If I could afford them I'd get a pair of 90s in a shot, although I've never looked upon their design and really coveted them.

The 5s I have were for me affordable, are more than capable of delivering a sound even my cloth ears can appreciate. But they were designed by a man who's designs I believe will mark a zenith in B&Os history.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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Duels replied on Fri, Jul 14 2017 1:47 PM

9 LEE:

Lee did say they were little brothers to the BL90 rather than big brothers to the BL5. So hopefully that is exactly what you are looking for @Seethroughyou.

No, they have a completely different look to the BL90. I was talking more about the sound!





that's what I meant - in terms of the sound.  sorry if it wasn't clear.  I wouldn't want to misrepresent you!

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Puncher replied on Fri, Jul 14 2017 7:04 PM

9 LEE:
As mentioned, if i had the spare cash - and the time and space to listen to them properly, it'd be a no-brainer. My money would be spent.

As I suspect would most current or ex-Beofans however the sad fact is that almost all do not have a spare £20K+ to drop on a pair on new, no matter how wonderful,  speakers. This means trying to attract the real saddo hifi-ultra nutters to the brand, which frankly seems highly unlikely. 

While I watched on with dismay as they tried to chase the Russians and Chinese with expensive bling I fear that, while I very much admire their technial achievements, chasing the silly money speaker market is still diverting much needed resources, both technical and financial, into a flatspinning death spiral.

UNLESS ...  some of this wizzo-tech filters down into a real  8000 replacement for the legion who would be interested (but they better be quick about it)!!


Ban boring signatures!

Mr 10Percent
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UNLESS ...  some of this wizzo-tech filters down into a real  8000 replacement for the legion who would be interested (but they better be quick about it)!!

As I've previously said on this forum.....the BL5's sold a few thousand through life cycle, the BL90's probably will sell a few hundred (bet there are more in showrooms than in homes).

I've also heard that the 90's are definitely a halo product with very little margin. So on that basis, I don't get how they are going to force sales more than they have with the BL5 at a further 25% on additional retail cost? Something between the BL5 and BL20 pricewise but with BL5 to BL5+ performance surely makes more sense for a technical product with reasonable sales volume outlook?

One suspects they are foolhardily tilting at the top-end B&W, Sonos Fab and Meridian crowd? Good luck with that. Hell will freeze before those 'philes concede to buying anything B&O no matter how good.





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Peter replied on Fri, Jul 14 2017 8:15 PM

But surely this is not that different to what B&O have done in the past. They have a number of times produced technically fantastic products to show what they can do and then a range which are the bread and butter models. To get a reputation for excellence though, they need the Beolab 90 type product so that it is featured on the front of magazines and this will let the rest of the range bask in the reflected glory. It does however rely on the bread and butter range being affordably expensive though rather than out of sight. It also needs products with unique selling features - design has always been B&O's forte but as it is now all screens and portable speakers, this is increasingly difficult to manage. I have both a Beosound 2 and a number of Amazon Echos and the latter are used all the time unlike the BS2 as it is less easy to use and a tad temperamental! Sound better of course (Should do - £1500 plays £79!)


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ari replied on Sat, Aug 5 2017 1:51 PM

Seen and heard these guys :) Very nice... With that special B&O magic ;) Design is far more subdued than the BL90. You willl see very soon ;)

I didn't get much chance to play around. Having said that, still very happy with my BeoLab 5's :)

I must be honest..I was slightly underwhelmed at the form/design at that price point.. I had to ask if those were really the BL50. But, I think once you hear them you don't care about it really :)

Chris Townsend
Top 50 Contributor
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Just listening to my 5s now, which is a ridiculous comparison really.

The 50s are less of a technical showpiece than the 90s, but much more of a realistic product to put in a home. They come up to my belly button in height, and the acoustic lens is done very well including it's mechanical movement.

Peter, take a trip into the ToonYes - thumbs up

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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rfrichg replied on Sat, Aug 5 2017 6:54 PM

I dont think a surround setup containing 2 set of beolab 90 or 50 or a combination Is supported 

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Market replied on Sat, Aug 5 2017 9:46 PM

AFAIK there's no reason for it not to be supported. 


And for the record, surround is 5 channels. Center is mandatory. Unless one is perfectly facing the screen. 

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Market replied on Tue, Aug 8 2017 9:22 AM

As confirmed by current B&O marketing material, the BS50 can be used as back speakers with BS90 front speakers.

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