ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
When I hit "play" everything works as intended, but the tangential arm itself is moving too slow , After playing 1/3 of a record, the pickup arm is angled towards the center og of the record, maybe 10 to 15 degrees!!!
I cann see, that the spindel itself (the one advancing the tone arm towards the center) is moving in small steps, maybe 1/3 to !/2 a revolution at a time - is that correct or should it be a contious motion?
All buttons on the interface are working correct, but sometimes, the arm takes an extra journiy from back and forth from the start to the end point of travel, when I hit "stop" - could the issues be related?
So far I have replaced both belts, cleaned/lubricated and adjusted everything around the tonearm acording to the service manual.
what am I missing?
This sounds similar to this thread this week.
Have you checked over the comments 'Dillen' makes on that thread? If you have cleaned and adjusted everything else then these are worth investigating. The step motion is normal as far as I'm aware as all my decks do the same. If you use the 'Left' button, does the carriage move freely all the way to the centre? Or, does it pause at about the same point you mention? There may be a physical block to the carriage movement, rails not aligned, clip broken etc.
I have clened everything, and there is no bumps or dirt on the spindel - it would also have been my first thought. When pressing the left or right button the arm moves freely, without haning anywhere .
maybe the spindel is slighty bend? Then I need to know how to dismantle it?
Luckely I have an almost complete second deck for spares
If the carriage moves freely, then I suspect 'Dillens' thought on the detector/lamp is what to look at.
Sounds reasoanble - but what shall I look fore - the light is ON on the tone arm.
I suspect that LDR is short for Light Dependent Resistor - but thats as far as I get
Bad tracking, either the lamp or the LDR or both.
Was the fault present before you replaced the servo motor belt ?
I do not know, the old belt was broken :-(
I have opend the unit now, should there be visible light at the LDR?
local - its not original, and as far as I remember its diameter is 100 mm and wit 1,8 mm - its rather tight - could that make a difference?
further research has revield, that if I manually turn the tonearm towardss the center, (thaht is I push the tonearm all the way to the left, so it touches the other arm) the whole carriage is mooving too :-) Whitch must mean, that the motor gets its signal too late - now I only need to know how to adjust it. :-)
A small adjustment of the "second" arm, towards center, did the trick - its not 100% parralel to the tonearm anymore, but its hardly visible, and the unit is playing as expected - thanks for all the input.
They will only be parallel at rest as the tonearm is offset to the left during playing anyway. Glad it's sorted. Well done.
Adjusting the opto would have been the right way.The LDR is obviously getting weak and it will only become worse.When you replace the LDR you will have to adjust the opto - now after having adjusted the sensorarm first.
Dear Citronix, I have exactly the same problem with yours; Could you kindly send me the picture about the "second arm" mentioned in your solution? You can send me the email to; I desperately need such solution. Many thanks!