ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have a Beogram-7000 hooked up to my Beovision Avant (1st. generation). Normal required sound level for the Avant is around 30 for both TV and an Apple-TV taht also are connected.
However for the Beogram I have to turn sound up to 50 - 60 to hear anything, which obviously then create some anoying background noise.
I am thinking that the output of the Beogram must be too weak. Can I somehow adjust output sound level on the Beogram-7000 (Riaa pre-amplifier) ??
Any advice will be highly appreciated.
Thanks so much in avdance.
it seems to be the cartridge, a weakened suspension of the needle is an often fault of those MMC. Try to push he tonearm down a little (gently) while playing. Better sound? And look for other postings referring to MMC.
Thanks for your reply.
Now this is an interesting answer. I actually tried what you suggested, to gently put a finger on the arm while playing - no difference.
However, to give a little background, I managed to buy this turntable recently (from an authorized B&O "second-hand" shop), includig a new-renovated MMC4. Your answer makes me think, where to look - you think likely it could be the "new" MMC that is faulty or would it be more likely somewhere in hte turntable itself?? (tone arm, cabling etc.)
HQS67: However, to give a little background, I managed to buy this turntable recently (from an authorized B&O "second-hand" shop), includig a new-renovated MMC4.
However, to give a little background, I managed to buy this turntable recently (from an authorized B&O "second-hand" shop), includig a new-renovated MMC4.
Hi Henrik,
Ah, ok. So your dealer should know about the poor durability of the original MMC pickups. But even a renewed one can be defective (again). The BG 7000 has a built-in RIAA pre amplifier, as you might know. There can be a fault as well: bad capacitors,...
Your remark about the "noise" made me think about the cartridge.
All in all I have nearly the same problem. I find the PHONO input is something quiet and kind of flat and not so alive like FM. But I have modified my Beogram 9000 with a Ortofon pick-up. And it is still a few steps lower than FM or CD