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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


How to adjust output sound level on Riaa pre-amplifier (Beogram7000)

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HQS67 Posted: Sat, Mar 12 2016 1:21 PM


I have a Beogram-7000 hooked up to my Beovision Avant (1st. generation). Normal required sound level for the Avant is around 30 for both TV and an Apple-TV taht also are connected.

However for the Beogram I have to turn sound up to 50 - 60 to hear anything, which obviously then create some anoying background noise.

I am thinking that the output of the Beogram must be too weak. Can I somehow adjust output sound level on the Beogram-7000 (Riaa pre-amplifier) ??

Any advice will be highly appreciated.


Thanks so much in avdance.


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59269 Beckum, Germany
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ProGram replied on Sat, Mar 12 2016 5:31 PM


it seems to be the cartridge, a weakened suspension of the needle is an often fault of those MMC. Try to push he tonearm down a little (gently) while playing. Better sound? And look for other postings referring to MMC.


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HQS67 replied on Sat, Mar 12 2016 7:44 PM


Thanks for your reply.

Now this is an interesting answer. I actually tried what you suggested, to gently put a finger on the arm while playing - no difference.

However, to give a little background, I managed to buy this turntable recently (from an authorized B&O "second-hand" shop), includig a new-renovated MMC4. Your answer makes me think, where to look - you think likely it could be the "new" MMC that is faulty or would it be more likely somewhere in hte turntable itself?? (tone arm, cabling etc.)






Top 200 Contributor
59269 Beckum, Germany
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ProGram replied on Sat, Mar 12 2016 8:23 PM


However, to give a little background, I managed to buy this turntable recently (from an authorized B&O "second-hand" shop), includig a new-renovated MMC4.

Hi Henrik,

Ah, ok. So your dealer should know about the poor durability of the original MMC pickups. But even a renewed one can be defective (again). The BG 7000 has a built-in RIAA pre amplifier, as you might know. There can be a fault as well: bad capacitors,...

Your remark about the "noise" made me think about the cartridge.

All in all I have nearly the same problem. I find the PHONO input is something quiet and kind of flat and not so alive like FM. But I have modified my Beogram 9000 with a Ortofon pick-up. And it is still a few steps lower than FM or CD

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