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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Can I?

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ardargie27 Posted: Wed, Sep 27 2017 5:29 PM

For almost 25 years I've been the proud owner of a B&O 9300, with a pair of BEOLAB 8000's

However, the 9300 has now so many faults and problems I need to replace it, but as I still listen to a lot of CD's, I need a CP player, which B&O no longer make.

Is there any way I can use the 8000's with a non B&O unit?? 


What I'm looking at is the Arcam Solo

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Stan replied on Thu, Sep 28 2017 3:39 AM

The 8000s have a "line in" which allows them to work with pretty much any audio component with a variable output pre-amp.  It looks like the Arcam Solo has only powered audio outputs.  I think there is some solution such as an "attenuator" which would allow this (takes the powered output and brings it down to line level), but I don't have any experience with such a thing - it seems like the quality might suffer - better to find a unit with pre-amp outputs and not mess around.  When I searched the Arcam Solo, the Arcam AVR390 also came up and it *has* pre-amp outputs.  However, I don't know that it does all the other stuff you want.


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smuehli replied on Thu, Sep 28 2017 9:42 AM

Or you take this almando adapter:

and hook any CD-Player or whatever you want at line-in....


But I would go for a second hand beosound overture/3000 or a beocenter 2 or something like that.

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