ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
For almost 25 years I've been the proud owner of a B&O 9300, with a pair of BEOLAB 8000's
However, the 9300 has now so many faults and problems I need to replace it, but as I still listen to a lot of CD's, I need a CP player, which B&O no longer make.
Is there any way I can use the 8000's with a non B&O unit??
What I'm looking at is the Arcam Solo
The 8000s have a "line in" which allows them to work with pretty much any audio component with a variable output pre-amp. It looks like the Arcam Solo has only powered audio outputs. I think there is some solution such as an "attenuator" which would allow this (takes the powered output and brings it down to line level), but I don't have any experience with such a thing - it seems like the quality might suffer - better to find a unit with pre-amp outputs and not mess around. When I searched the Arcam Solo, the Arcam AVR390 also came up and it *has* pre-amp outputs. However, I don't know that it does all the other stuff you want.
Or you take this almando adapter:
and hook any CD-Player or whatever you want at line-in....
But I would go for a second hand beosound overture/3000 or a beocenter 2 or something like that.