ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi guys,
If anyone remembering, I do like to refurbish old Becoms for more modern use.After bluetoothing a Beocom 6000, I'd like to wire the handset of an Beocom 1400 to my stupid-smart-phone.All this to be able to lower the volume of the Beosound when a calls come-in. Anyway, containment…
My question is, how is the IR module powered? The base seems to be independent from the handset.So is it battery powered or did I miss something? Pictures on the web are unclear about that and manual I've found don't seem to say much either.
I dont own the Beocom right now, just looking for one with IR module, but would use your advice before buying second hand.
Thanks to all.
3 batteries, 4.5V dc.
I wired one from a Beocom 1600 like this once as a hidden volume control under my dining table:
Hi Guy!
Did you wire the Video button as to eject unwanted guests from their seat around the table?
Thanks you both for your answers!
There is a secret "battery compartment" in the tablestand .....
.... and in the wallholder .....
Thank you Beozip, useful information indeed! I would certainly have not find that by myself!
As a side question, do anybody know how to open (dismantle) the handset? Thanks.
matador43:As a side question, do anybody know how to open (dismantle) the handset?
There's no easy way because it's glued together. You basically need to 'break' it open carefully.
There's a picture here of an opened one:
Great help but bad news. Right now I have a lead on a said "brand new" one in box. Would be a shame to start by hurting it.
Yes I couldn't do that to one in really good condition!
Have you considered a Beocom 1600, 2400 or 2500? These have most of the electronics in the base hence would be easier to modify - plenty of space!
How/where were you planning to fit the BlueTooth battery/power for a Beocom 1400/1401 modificiation?
As you may know I already have modified a Beocom 6000 as BT handset. The problem is the charge circuit is very fragile and it sometimes fail by itself preventing the battery to charge again. It happened twice already when i was trying to change bases.
My goal with that one is to do a wired handset and maybe some sort of stand for the actual smartphone where there is a little door for the notepad (if i could without damaging the unit). In fact it cames when I noticed the IR module and that the combo volume remote/handset/phone stand would certainly do a funny project.
It's built around a 1400/1401 just because there was one to sell cheap near me. But the guy do not answer and I find a second one (the brand new one) for a little bit more money but still not that much.
Right now I think I may suspend that project…