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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Latest BV11 Software Issue

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This post has 4 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 25 Contributor
Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
Posts 5,422
Gold Member
vikinger Posted: Tue, Jan 28 2014 9:53 PM

Don't know whether anyone else has experienced this issue, but since the last software update (which came up on my TV a few days ago) I cannot get the webmedia home page to load. The TV just says that a network connection is not available even when I know that everything else on the broadband router is working.

However, if I select YouTube or Spotify in the main menu then they load and work without a problem. Has anyone else had the same problem?


Chris Townsend
Top 50 Contributor
Posts 3,531
Bronze Member
Mine has been turning itself off, but the sound stays! Go figure

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

Top 75 Contributor
Posts 1,710
Same for my 1 day old BV11-55:-(

It works yesterday but not anymore...

BeoVision Haermony 65"...BeoLab 28 Anthracite....BeoLab 17 as REAR....BV10-32....BC6-26....Beosound 9000....Beosound 1 New York edt....Beogram 4002....Beoplay Emerge....Beoplay M5....Beoplay M3....Beoremote Halo....BeoRemote One BT....Beo6....Beo4....Beo4 Cinema....BeoLink 7000....Serene....H95 Black LTD....H9i Rimowa....6 x H6....Form 1....U70...

Top 25 Contributor
Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
Posts 5,422
Gold Member
vikinger replied on Wed, Jan 29 2014 7:23 AM

This morning the webmedia homepage was available again.

Maybe corrupted software was reloaded/ replaced overnight. So my next question is this: if there is a break when the TV is updating its software so that the software is corrupted or incomplete can you force the TV to download the software again manually? Yesterday when I had the webmedia fault, checking the software  simply produced a statement that the TV had the latest version of the software. There didn't seem to be an obvious way of making the TV download the software again.


Top 75 Contributor
Posts 1,710

Mine works to again



BeoVision Haermony 65"...BeoLab 28 Anthracite....BeoLab 17 as REAR....BV10-32....BC6-26....Beosound 9000....Beosound 1 New York edt....Beogram 4002....Beoplay Emerge....Beoplay M5....Beoplay M3....Beoremote Halo....BeoRemote One BT....Beo6....Beo4....Beo4 Cinema....BeoLink 7000....Serene....H95 Black LTD....H9i Rimowa....6 x H6....Form 1....U70...

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