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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BV11 switch on bug ?

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This post has 5 Replies | 2 Followers

Top 75 Contributor
South of France
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BeoGreg Posted: Fri, Jan 31 2014 10:18 AM
Once in a while, I have to press twice the remote to get access to TV or DTV.

The green light flashes a second than nothing, a dark screen without sound or picture and without the B & O logo.

I press a second time and then everything is ok.

Am I the only one here ?
Top 25 Contributor
Vestri Kirkjubyr, UK
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vikinger replied on Fri, Jan 31 2014 11:05 AM

Once in a while, I have to press twice the remote to get access to TV or DTV.

The green light flashes a second than nothing, a dark screen without sound or picture and without the B & O logo.

I press a second time and then everything is ok.

Am I the only one here ?

I had something similar with certain TV channels. It resulted in blank recording to the hard disk (discussed in another thread). The  answer with the TV channels was to retune the TV from scratch, after which the problem disappeared. 

I sometimes get a No Network message on DTV and no home page, even though the router is OK and i can call-up YouTube and Spotify from the main menu and they will work. 

The picture mute for radio stations will only work if I change between radio stations... it does not work when switching from TV to radio. this is a long-standing issue, reported to Struer. Seems that there are still plenty of bugs to be sorted out.


Top 75 Contributor
South of France
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BeoGreg replied on Fri, Jan 31 2014 11:11 AM
Oh yes, the no network message I get it everytime I use Web media, which is very few luckily for me !

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schatzoy replied on Sat, Feb 1 2014 12:28 PM

Also happens to me sometimes that the TV won't switch on and I have to press the TV button a second time. Also the no network problem is there, but only if I am already in a web media smart app and want to go back to the smart apps main page.

I think, the software has still a lot of flaws and I am also disappointed about the very basic implementation around the built-in hard disk recording. Don't know why they can't fix/improve the software more quickly, there are many excellent programmers in India or Eastern Europe that are inexpensive.

Top 75 Contributor
South of France
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BeoGreg replied on Sat, Feb 1 2014 6:02 PM

Also happens to me sometimes that the TV won't switch on and I have to press the TV button a second time. Also the no network problem is there, but only if I am already in a web media smart app and want to go back to the smart apps main page.

Exactly my case !

Please take note B&O.
Top 150 Contributor
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w5bno123 replied on Sat, Feb 1 2014 10:23 PM

Exactly my case !

Please take note B&O.

Hi Guys report any glitches to your dealer and insist that they pass this information on to B&O and create what is known as a right now case. Once these are logged B&O need to reply/take action. Without feedback from the market software updates can't be implemented as quickly. Different problems can also arise between each marketplace.
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